Evil Diaries

The Evil Diaries: “Talk about hope value”

The Evil Diaries: “Talk about hope value”

2 mins. to read

I saw that KKR had chucked out perhaps 25% of the equity of Pets At Home (PETS) a few days ago. I thought no more about it. But I have now had a chance to skim the figures. They are astonishing. The market capitalisation at 280p is of the order of £1.4bn and if Merrill…

The Evil Diaries: “A clear case of Grrrrrrrrrrrrr….”

The Evil Diaries: “A clear case of Grrrrrrrrrrrrr….”

1 mins. to read

I was startled by the Foxtons (FOXT) story of a £42m refund to clients through deemed taking of hidden commissions. I thought the thing would have been reflected in the share price by now. The truth is that it has not. Indeed, seemingly, the market does not care. Well, I think it ought to be.…

The Evil Diaries: Protective Aggrandisement
Lansdowne -- Assets in the Celtic Sea offshore Ireland

The Evil Diaries: Protective Aggrandisement

5 mins. to read

For those such as myself who are sceptical about Foxtons (FOXT) what follows here is hardly a surprise. However, for others, it may come as a revelation. Feast here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/news/article-3113604/Estate-agent-Foxtons-risks-huge-legal-bill-charging-616-fix-light.html. This cost, if the Courts sustain it, is not an insurable, still less an insured, risk. This is because it’s not a risk; it’s a…

The Evil Diaries: “I am staying short Trinity Mirror”

The Evil Diaries: “I am staying short Trinity Mirror”

2 mins. to read

The chairman of Burnbrae Media Limited, better known as The Debonair One, has been on this morning about the bond rout. It’s definitely going on and, if persisted with (it will be), means equities are under pressure in the near future. I nicked £10,000 on daily FTSE and, as I now recount, came across something…

The Evil Diaries: “What I seek is scandal or sex”

The Evil Diaries: “What I seek is scandal or sex”

2 mins. to read

Late on Friday last, GCM (GCM) offered two RNSs. The first was the advice that GCM had borrowed £3m for two years with no interest payable. However, the lender “has the right to convert the outstanding balance at a subscription price of 11p”. Shares thus derived are locked up for two years running from the…

Evil Knievil on Proxama (PROX)

Evil Knievil on Proxama (PROX)

5 mins. to read

After yesterday’s comment on Proxama (PROX), I decided that it would be helpful to expand the comments so that readers could have a better idea as to what is going on. Here I again enlisted chairman David Bailey’s assistance and he advises that Proxama’s marketing business is focussed on Bluetooth beacons. The beacons “push” a…

The Evil Diaries: “are we not coming to the end of the great junior resources stock bear market?”

The Evil Diaries: “are we not coming to the end of the great junior resources stock bear market?”

1 mins. to read

Following up on my short USD/EUR comment yesterday a reader comments: “I am sure that you are aware of this, but the ETFS 3x Short EUR Long USD fund would be a simple [albeit risky] way to enable individual investors to take advantage of an appreciation of the USD against the Euro: http://www.etfsecurities.com/retail/uk/en-gb/products/product/etfs-3x-short-eur-long-usd-seu3-lse” I do…

The Evil Diaries: “not even remotely an idiot”

The Evil Diaries: “not even remotely an idiot”

1 mins. to read

Today’s RNS from Plus500 (PLUS) does not allow hard sensible conclusions. I know that Odey has bought again and I also know that the fund manager in question is not even remotely an idiot – a fact that I established over an extended lunch at Le Gavroche. However, and starting with the “Group Summary”, the…