Economics & Markets

AI & Tech Update

AI & Tech Update

13 mins. to read

AI investment in the UK is at record levels. Fintech is booming even as Libra, stalls. And Google has just attained Quantum Supremacy. What should investors make of it all?

The Brexit Beast Encaged?

The Brexit Beast Encaged?

15 mins. to read

Mr Johnson occupies Downing Street but he is a prisoner of a Remainer parliament and the rule of lawyers. Victor Hill wonders whether Brexit has been caged.

The Puritan Gift

The Puritan Gift

8 mins. to read

In many respects, the global financial crisis was regarded as a crisis of morality. It now appears to be morphing into a fully-fledged eurozone banking crisis. By way of solutions, we need better bankers, better central bankers (or perhaps none at all) − and better politicians.