Economics & Markets

The Great Bifurcation

The Great Bifurcation

14 mins. to read

Even if Russia’s war against Ukraine is swiftly concluded with a peace deal – which is unlikely – the world will not return to the status quo ante bellum. Russia will remain out of bounds and the West will have to extricate itself from China too, says Victor Hill.

Net Zero Carbon RIP

Net Zero Carbon RIP

14 mins. to read

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has upended energy policy across the globe. The necessary and inevitable ban on Russian hydrocarbons means that the net carbon zero chimera becomes both unfeasible and undesirable, says Victor Hill.

The China Factor
ESB Professional /

The China Factor

15 mins. to read

The one nation that can stop Russia’s brutal assault on Ukraine is China. And there are reasons why China will move in this direction soon, explains Victor Hill.

In Time of War

In Time of War

16 mins. to read

Whatever the final outcome of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there will be massive economic, political and geopolitical consequences, says Victor Hill.