Victor Hill

Postcard from Rajasthan

Postcard from Rajasthan

8 mins. to read

Monday, 18 January 2016, Mandawa, Rajasthan, India The headline news from Delhi this morning. Capital faces canine crisis: one dog bite every six minutes. The experimental 15 day odd-even car registration entry scheme has just concluded – and air quality has got even worse. India is now free at last to resume normal trading relations…

2016: The Year of Living Dangerously

2016: The Year of Living Dangerously

20 mins. to read

As seen in the January edition of Master Investor Magazine.  2016, The Year of the Monkey, will be a capricious, unusually nervous year, full of danger and foreboding, not just confined to the financial markets. As ever, nothing is foretold, and no outcome is inevitable. Most people have little concept of how much their lives…

The History Boys vote Brexit

The History Boys vote Brexit

6 mins. to read

Finally, the groves of academe have awoken to the sound of gnashing teeth. An assembly of the most eminent British historians has formed a campaign group called Historians for Britain[i]. Their aim is to advance the argument, from a historical perspective of course, that the forthcoming UK-EU IN-OUT referendum is a historic opportunity to go…

La France dans la merde

La France dans la merde

7 mins. to read

During this last trip to France for the New Year something really shocking happened. I was walking through a small town on my way to the boulangerie early one morning to buy some freshly baked croissants for breakfast when I availed myself of a pedestrian crossing to cross the road. And – you won’t believe…

War on Terror II: Kingdom and Republic on the Brink

War on Terror II: Kingdom and Republic on the Brink

6 mins. to read

Last month on these pages I explained how the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia emerged from the deserts of Arabia in the early 20th century as an alliance between the ruling House of Saud and the al-Wahhabi clan (War on Terror II: The Janus-Faced Kingdom), who wielded unique religious authority. The conflation of politics and religion…

The Star in the East

The Star in the East

5 mins. to read

As Mr Cameron sits down to Christmas lunch at Chequers this year he will try to put aside his feelings of foreboding about the year ahead. On a personal level, I certainly hope that he enjoys a restful and happy day with his family. He has, it is said, like Napoleon, an uncanny ability to…

The Trolley Letters II

The Trolley Letters II

6 mins. to read

18 December 2015 Dear Mr Morrison Just a short note to commiserate you on your demotion from the capitalist Premier League, the FTSE-100 index, today. I note that your shares have been trading downwards since this outcome was announced, even despite rating upgrades by the so-called brokers. At the beginning of 2015 your shares (LON:MRW)…

India Online: Update

India Online: Update

4 mins. to read

At the end of October, further to a trip to India, I wrote a piece on these pages entitled India Online. There, and in my longer piece on investment opportunities in India in the November edition of the Master Investor magazine (India Faces the Future with Confidence), I argued that the potential for online commerce…