Victor Hill

Meet the New Breed of Extreme Miners

Meet the New Breed of Extreme Miners

1 mins. to read

If you thought mining was about digging holes in dry ground, and that the technology required to do that was mature, think again. There are new kinds of extreme miners emerging who are taking mining to undreamed-of places. There are miners who are extracting resources from below the ocean waves. There are miners operating in…

The Storm Clouds Are Gathering

The Storm Clouds Are Gathering

7 mins. to read

If you have any exposure to the major (or indeed minor) European bourses, prepare for turbulence. 2016 (with an epilogue in 2017) could turn out to be another 1848. That was the year that virtually every major European state succumbed to revolution, and the continent, as Karl Marx observed, passed into a new era. Storm…

Sherlock Homes & the Mystery of Rising Debt & Falling Rates

Sherlock Homes & the Mystery of Rising Debt & Falling Rates

9 mins. to read

A dialogue between the Master and his trusty sidekick, Dr Watson, at 221B Baker Street, unpacks the most intriguing paradox in contemporary economics. Rising government debt levels should drive interest rates higher. Instead, interest rates are plunging to zero and below. As Holmes explains, our ultimate fate might be in the hands of an evil…

Quantum Computing: Schrödinger’s Cat is SO Clever

Quantum Computing: Schrödinger’s Cat is SO Clever

9 mins. to read

The greatest technological leap forward for humanity in the second quarter of the 21st Century will be Quantum Computing (QC). It will accelerate computer processing speeds beyond our imagination. It’s a weird world; and yet the first QC inspired computers are already working on problems of mind-boggling complexity. Quantum Theory was formulated in Europe in…

An Inconvenient Truth for Liberals: Vote Donald, Get Peace

An Inconvenient Truth for Liberals: Vote Donald, Get Peace

10 mins. to read

Letter to my American friends. The Donald will reach an accommodation with Russia. The alternative could be too awful to contemplate. This thought has momentous importance for investors – and indeed anyone who cares about the future. Now I know many readers may not like Donald Trump, and that he has offended people – women,…

Alice in Wonderland Economics Gets Even Crazier

Alice in Wonderland Economics Gets Even Crazier

9 mins. to read

Get ready for a world of negative interest rates and helicopter money. The lunatics have taken over the asylum. In May I wrote about how the world of the Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) was one of Alice in Wonderland economics with all kinds of unforeseen consequences over the long term. And last week I…

Mr Carney Upsets the Markets (Again!)

Mr Carney Upsets the Markets (Again!)

5 mins. to read

July 15.  St. Swithin’s Day[i].  An ancient British folk-tale holds that if it rains today, that will set the weather for another 40 days.  As I have argued before, meteorology and economics have much in common.  Perhaps economists would be better forecasters if they just ignored the central bankers. Dear old George is gone. (I…

Bag a Brexit Bargain with the Banks

Bag a Brexit Bargain with the Banks

6 mins. to read

Release the Buffers The Brexit backlash shows that the UK banks have better prospects than their European counterparts. A buying opportunity, perhaps? Now gather up the wee bairns and tell Grandad to put his ear trumpet in. I have some weighty news to impart. I don’t know how to put this in a way that…

The Ladies’ First Post-Brexit Budget

The Ladies’ First Post-Brexit Budget

9 mins. to read

London, House of Commons, Wednesday, 20 March 2019, 12:37 The Deputy Speaker: I will have ORDER in this house! Mr Skinner, for the sake of your own health, I advise you to contain yourself. I call upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer to deliver the budget statement. Mrs Leadsom. Loud cheers from the Conservative benches…

Forget “Pharmaceuticals” – Think Immunology and Synthetic Biology

Forget “Pharmaceuticals” – Think Immunology and Synthetic Biology

17 mins. to read

As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine Investors often suppose that biotechnology is all about the development of new wonder drugs which zap bacteria and viruses – pharmacology. But in fact the best investment prospects probably reside in other, newer fields of medicine, of which there are several. Today I’m taking a…