Victor Hill

How to invest in the nuclear future

How to invest in the nuclear future

0 mins. to read

With the go-ahead for the Hinkley Point C nuclear reactor, announced on 14 September, the nuclear power industry is back in the news in the UK. Nuclear power generation is a massive global industry which currently uses a number of related technologies. Yet the sector has been overlooked by investors mainly because most (though not…

New stars rising in cyberspace

New stars rising in cyberspace

6 mins. to read

It is more than 20 years since the internet revolution began. And yet not a month goes by without news of new internet-based businesses threatening to disrupt traditional business models. In the first of an occasional series I’d like to point my telescope towards a few rising stars in the firmament of cyberspace. Some of…

The UK’s Brexit negotiating hand is stronger than you think

The UK’s Brexit negotiating hand is stronger than you think

5 mins. to read

Don’t tell ze Britisch but ve really need zem… In a recent reflection on what central bankers get up to when they meet together for some rest and recreation, I attempted to explain what TARGET2 is. This is the settlements system that, since 1999, has facilitated payments between the various Eurozone countries’ internal settlement platforms.…

Why Google might be the most innovative corporation in history

Why Google might be the most innovative corporation in history

10 mins. to read

Schrödinger’s Cat is out of the bag On 04 August I authored an article on these pages entitled Schrödinger’s Cat is SO Clever – about Quantum Computing (QC). Little did I know that that was the very day that a secret group of Google’s scientists chose to publish an academic paper for peer review which…

What the European Bank Stress Tests Don’t Tell Investors

What the European Bank Stress Tests Don’t Tell Investors

9 mins. to read

European bank stocks have fallen to historically low multiples. The earnings outlook is uncertain and the banking environment is in flux. Tighter regulation, coordinated at the EU level, and challenging market conditions have forced banks to refine their business models and strategies – but all this has impacted their Return on Capital. European banks are…

Remainiacs will talk us into recession if we let them
Michaelpuche /

Remainiacs will talk us into recession if we let them

8 mins. to read

The remainiacs control the media Do not underestimate the breadth and depth of the recusant remainiacs. Their mouthpieces are the BBC, the Economist and the increasingly ludicrous Financial Times. But they have extensive influence propagated by Church of England vicars, luvvies, much of the teaching profession as well as trendy entrepreneurs and a throng of…

Brexit Means…Perplexity – Just Like in Chess

Brexit Means…Perplexity – Just Like in Chess

9 mins. to read

The European politicians who perpetually nudge the United Kingdom to get on with it (that is, to trigger Article 50 and to set out, point-by-point, the definitive post-Brexit blueprint) are like junior chess players who huff and puff because their opponent spends too much time making his first move.  They can’t understand that considered meditation…

India’s Fintech Revolution

India’s Fintech Revolution

1 mins. to read

It was bound to happen – and now it has. India’s love affair with technology and e-commerce has spawned an explosion in “fintech”. We can define fintech as digital technology businesses that compete against (and disrupt) – or sometimes support – the activities of established financial institutions. Businesses in the fintech space serve both customers…

Baffled in Jackson Hole

Baffled in Jackson Hole

7 mins. to read

Every year in late summer the secretive priestly caste that is the world’s central bankers meets in conclave at the Wyoming mountain resort of Jackson Hole. It’s an inconsequential place really – just an upscale mountain cum fishing resort set in a verdant valley between the jagged peaks of the Teton Mountains and the Ventre…

What the Olympic Medals Table Tells Investors

What the Olympic Medals Table Tells Investors

9 mins. to read

It is five days now since the world’s Olympians filed out of the stadium in Rio heading home in a blaze of samba. But for the glorious lasses and lads of Team GB their homecoming on golden-nosed flight BA2016 on Tuesday – which we were told was groaning with Champagne – was triumphant. Of course,…