Victor Hill

Cryptocurrency: Prepare for Phase II

Cryptocurrency: Prepare for Phase II

13 mins. to read

When bitcoin plunged in value in early 2018 many of us thought that was that. Cryptocurrency – always a dubious asset class – had hyped itself out. Well, think again – second-generation crypto will soon be everywhere we look, writes Victor Hill.

The UK economy: Good news…bad news

The UK economy: Good news…bad news

14 mins. to read

Despite Brexit the UK economy is growing faster than many of our European neighbours, unemployment is still falling and public finances are improving. The automotive sector is a worry. But always look on the bright side, says Victor Hill.

Brexit: Why I’m smiling (Part II)

Brexit: Why I’m smiling (Part II)

13 mins. to read

Not only is a no-deal/WTO Brexit now the most likely outcome, but paradoxically it is the only outcome which will deliver the certainty craved by big business. Adapt the brace position, says Victor Hill: this could be a bumpy landing…

Brexit – a guide for the perplexed

Brexit – a guide for the perplexed

25 mins. to read

What are the chances that Brexit will be postponed or even reversed altogether? And if it does take place – which type of Brexit will it be and who will be the winners and losers in the corporate world? Victor Hill investigates.

Meet the New American Socialists
Rachael Warriner /

Meet the New American Socialists

7 mins. to read

We Brits think of America as the Right Nation – an inherently pro-capitalist society. Yet a new generation of socialist politicians in America is making its mark. They just might take power in 2020 in a backlash against Trumpery, says Victor Hill.