Victor Hill

Will they really impeach him?
Evan El-Amin /

Will they really impeach him?

10 mins. to read

Barring a major upset – which is possible – President Trump will be acquitted by the Senate. But the real purpose of his tormentors is to swing the November elections.

America’s dramatic January

America’s dramatic January

8 mins. to read

As the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination begin to emerge, President Trump faces impeachment against a backdrop of rising tension in the Middle East. Victor Hill looks on in fascination.

The promise of 2020
Michael Tubi /

The promise of 2020

11 mins. to read

The new Johnson government possesses a mojo which is likely to last out 2020. Nothing is guaranteed, as ever; but the outlook for UK investors is promising, writes Victor Hill.

The Longevity Revolution

The Longevity Revolution

12 mins. to read

At Master Investor’s Investing in the Age of Longevity event, leading scientists met with eminent investors. Victor Hill explains why these new technologies are mind-blowing, yet credible.