Swen Lorenz



0 mins. to read

UK futures are indicating a higher open, following an optimistic session in Europe yesterday. Positivity crept into the markets as investors digested the European Parliament elections and Ukraine lending support. The elections showed that anti-EU parties will remain a clear minority in the new EU-parliament and will not be able to block legislation. The popularity…

China the countdown begins to the big “pop”…

China the countdown begins to the big “pop”…

5 mins. to read

China has a unique state-driven model of capitalism that has been very successful at creating growth in the country during the last 30 years. From a moderate undeveloped economy, China has been turned into the leader of the emerging markets group and it remains on course to become the world’s largest economy in terms of…

Gulfsands Petroleum update

Gulfsands Petroleum update

3 mins. to read

We have been asked to comment upon the shareholder movements last week that involve major shareholder Waterford Finance & Inv Ltd increasing their holding by a shade under 10m shares in the oil explorer to 32.5m shares (27.57%) whilst Soyuzneftgas Capital Limited reduced their holding to nil from just under 8m. Essentially the stocks was…

Zak Mir on a mining trio: Lonmin, Rio Tinto and Glencore Xstrata

Zak Mir on a mining trio: Lonmin, Rio Tinto and Glencore Xstrata

3 mins. to read

You might have thought that for someone who started in technical analysis 25 years ago, when it did not have quite the “credibility” it does now, there is little left to learn. However, I would venture to tell you that the opposite is the case, and not just on the basis that you are only…

A new contributor is unveiled – the badger of broad street!

A new contributor is unveiled – the badger of broad street!

3 mins. to read

The Badger of Broad Street – Why Europe?  Welcome to my first letter from Badger’s Holt. Gentlemen don’t “blog”, but my weekly market missives will impart wisdom and elucidation. I’ll be commentating from my den in the depths of the City on what is, what isn’t and what might be in financial markets… This week…

James Faulkner on Utilitywise – the next great small cap investment?

James Faulkner on Utilitywise – the next great small cap investment?

5 mins. to read

When I think of companies that have really made it big for investors, one word that pops into my mind is scalability. I’m thinking of companies like Domino’s Pizza, ASOS and Telecom Plus: three of the greatest small cap investments of the last decade, all of which benefited from highly scalable business models. These companies…