Swen Lorenz

The Fed’s Action – A Total Eclipse

The Fed’s Action – A Total Eclipse

3 mins. to read

Economic analysis by Filipe R. Costa Britain woke up today with its skies darkened by the first big solar eclipse in 16 years. So much time has elapsed since the last one that taking a few minutes to watch the rare event is a must. But to maximise amusement one should be closer to the…

Tax Relief On North Sea Oilers

Tax Relief On North Sea Oilers

2 mins. to read

Good news (apparently) from the Chancellor George Osborne, over and above his new “Antonio Banderas” hairdo. In fact, for cynics such as myself, the new follicular look was actually more bold than the “bold and immediate” action he announced to save the North Sea Oil & Gas explorers. They must be hurting in a most…

Sainsbury’s: An Enigma or Two

Sainsbury’s: An Enigma or Two

2 mins. to read

By Robert Sutherland Smith Sainsbury’s trading statement for the fourth quarter of last year is fairly brief. In consequence, it does not provide much on which to base conclusions about the future – which appears to be bearish in the eyes of those executing the high level of short selling of Sainsbury shares.  Company sales…

The Budget That Won The Tories The General Election

The Budget That Won The Tories The General Election

2 mins. to read

Like anyone with a degree of pragmatism, I usually wait until the financial press have gathered all the data of the Budget before taking a view on what it has actually served up. Indeed, the usual situation is that unless you are a masochistic drinker or driver, it is best to avoid the whole event.…

The Fed’s Dollar Problem

The Fed’s Dollar Problem

3 mins. to read

I have to admit that when it comes to the actions and behaviour of central banks in today’s global financial markets, I do take a somewhat sadistic pleasure from the sidelines. This is because we really are normally looking at a case of the tail wagging the dog. To think that they can really wield…

The Evil Diaires: Phosphorus Holdco Bonds

The Evil Diaires: Phosphorus Holdco Bonds

0 mins. to read

Stonehill Capital Partners have entered into a confidentiality agreement with PwC as administrator of Phosphorus Holdco. PwC have no money whilst Stonehill have and, which is more to the point, are hopping mad. Astonishingly, Eurobonds are often issued such that neither the issuer nor, as in this case, the administrator can access the register. This…

The Evil Diaries: Hack Reviews Gobbling in Action

The Evil Diaries: Hack Reviews Gobbling in Action

1 mins. to read

The best investment commentator in any mainstream newspaper today is John Ficenec, Questor of the Daily Telegraph. He consistently confines himself to common sense. Take for instance his bearish review today of Just Eat (JE.), now c. 350p. John makes this 32p net asset value where, if he will forgive me, I make it more…