Swen Lorenz

Weekend press reports Heritage Oil in $850m Nigerian Oil deal

Weekend press reports Heritage Oil in $850m Nigerian Oil deal

2 mins. to read

From Reuters today. Click here for news link Heritage Oil has agreed to buy a stake in a string of Nigerian oilfield assets, known as OML 30, in a deal which Heritage said on Sunday would diversify its portfolio and significantly increase its production capabilities. Heritage and its Nigerian partner, Shoreline Power, have agreed to buy a…

5 reasons global markets are likely to continue higher in the short term

5 reasons global markets are likely to continue higher in the short term

1 mins. to read

The current sentiment backdrop for US & Global markets remains conducive to one in which equities are likely to continue higher and take out recent resistance. Below are 5 important elements to consider –  1. Short positioning. The disappearance of short covering that began in March and a build in short interest since May has…

Tradingtrends inaugural post

Tradingtrends inaugural post

2 mins. to read

Hello all new readers to my very first entry on the Spreadbet Magazine blog. I intend to share my thoughts & views on the current state of the market and, more importantly, the trades that I place – in short, I’m baring my trading soul and at the very least hope to illustrate where both…

The muscles from brussels – courtesy of fatprophets

The muscles from brussels – courtesy of fatprophets

11 mins. to read

Markets were fairly weak yesterday as attention continues to focus on the European Summit, and whether the powers that be can agree on a plan to address the Continent’s debt crisis. Key European indices the DAX and CAC were both down 0.37% while the FTSE was off by 0.56%. The DOW and S&P meanwhile rebounded from significant…

So JUST how did Barclays make it through the dark days of 2009?

So JUST how did Barclays make it through the dark days of 2009?

1 mins. to read

Let’s turn back to 2007 and the heady days ahead of the Great Financial Crisis which would ultimately fell the world. It was reasonably obvious that a bust would come, although the extent of it was dramatically under-estmiated by even the most fervent bears However, if you were a Bank you could see the leverage…

worldlink shares announce betting deal with 3 premier football clubs. speculators were correct

worldlink shares announce betting deal with 3 premier football clubs. speculators were correct

0 mins. to read

Worldlink signs heads of terms Worldlink Group Plc (“Worldlink” or the “Company”) are pleased to announce that it has signed heads of terms with 3 Premier League Football Clubs under which Worldlink becomes the official betting and gaming partner of those clubs. Under these heads of terms there are certain financial commitments which need to…

S&P 500 Inverse Head and Shoulders Update

S&P 500 Inverse Head and Shoulders Update

1 mins. to read

The major technical break of the inverse head and shoulders which was widely lauded when the S&P price action broke through the neckline resistance of 1335, on 15th June, is now back below the neckline indicating that the potential for a trend reversal to the upside was not as solid as it seemed. The S&P…