Swen Lorenz

Flushing exercise looks to be complete

Flushing exercise looks to be complete

0 mins. to read

And so, as is always the case with these intense downdrafts that when you are in the middle of them seem to go on forever, it looks like a lot of flimsily capitalised players were flushed down the pan today on their positions. Bull signs that lead us to have high conviction in our index…

Chart du jour – food for thought… And opportunity

Chart du jour – food for thought… And opportunity

0 mins. to read

With fear all pervading in the markets again at the moment, and a lot of blood being spilt as margin is being called in around the globe and the engine of the stock market rally in recent years – Apple – continues its deflation, the above chart caught my eye as we approach the weekend.…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

5 mins. to read

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. Fri, November 9, 2012 UK Corporate Announcements IAG announces Q3 EBIT of €263m ahead of the forecasts of €231m seen, and states that Iberia continues to cause concern, and will cut 4,500 jobs in the unit Hammerson states that it…

Fiscal cliff worries send US markets reeling

Fiscal cliff worries send US markets reeling

3 mins. to read

And so it seems that every man, woman, dog and debt rating agency are now barking at the Republican congress to co-operate with the democrats to change course away from the fiscal cliff and bring about a transition which will involve compromise. Certain tax hikes will be swapped by the Republicans for no further cuts…

Finally the “brains” at the Bank of England wake up to the impotency of their QE program

Finally the “brains” at the Bank of England wake up to the impotency of their QE program

4 mins. to read

  The Bank of England halted expansion of its bond-buying program todays after some policy makers questioned its effectiveness in supporting a recovery that still remains lacklustre. Today’s move suggests the London-based central bank may focus on credit-boosting initiatives such as the Funding for Lending Scheme to ignite growth.  The nine-member Monetary Policy Committee led…

Guest blog by our new “novice robbie burns” – Chris Chillingworth

Guest blog by our new “novice robbie burns” – Chris Chillingworth

4 mins. to read

Why earnings season kicked my butt and then fixed me again It’s been a mad few weeks recently with many of the US stocks I held delivering their earnings results. All of my stocks made profits of course, but it’s not about making profits. It’s about whether those profits reflected what the market was expecting…



6 mins. to read

For more interesting research & professional Technical Analysis from Cantor Index click here to register for free. Thurs, November 8, 2012 UK Corporate Announcements BTG reports an H1 pre-tax profit of £105.3m up from £79.4m and maintains its full year revenue forecasts Rightmove states that it maintains its full year guidance and expects additional growth ahead in…

Zak’s midweek commentary – Gaffe Meister Romney

Zak’s midweek commentary – Gaffe Meister Romney

2 mins. to read

I have to say that I had Romney mapped out as a loser from the start. As a “would be politician” myself (over and above the Rat Pack membership of course), I know enough about the subject (‘A’ grade  at A level no less!) to say that it is always for the contender to beat…