Swen Lorenz

African Barrick Gold SBM Conviction Buy Update

African Barrick Gold SBM Conviction Buy Update

4 mins. to read

We wrote about ABG some weeks ago now when the stock was trading around 230p following the breakdown of takeover talks which China National Gold who had planned to buy the majority stake in the company from parent shareholder Barrick Gold. Since that point, it has largely been one way traffic with the stock finishing…

Cyprus – severely wounded with euro exit the likely ultimate outcome

Cyprus – severely wounded with euro exit the likely ultimate outcome

4 mins. to read

  So, the banks in Cyprus finally reopened today at 10.00 UK time, freshly filled with newly minted ECB euros and transported in armored trucks overnight (to keep the rioting masses at bay!) as the Cypriot authorities were concerned with what could happen when the banks reopen. The British company G4S (they obviously know nothing…

Stephen Rudofsky of NEOS Resources’ swansong – nuff said!

Stephen Rudofsky of NEOS Resources’ swansong – nuff said!

1 mins. to read

My “friend” Mr Rudofsky of the corporate basket case that has been D1 Oils and latterly NEOS Resources, reported the following results today (and he was “pleased” to report this too!!!) The overall Group loss for the period was GBP419k (6 months to December 2011: loss of GBP1.6m) and the loss per ordinary share was…

Zak Mir on Gold Bugs – Have we seen the selling climax?

Zak Mir on Gold Bugs – Have we seen the selling climax?

3 mins. to read

From my experience of the Editor of Spreadbet Magazine, he is that “cuddly”, that even the financial markets dare not go against his judgement of where the price action should be for too long!! Therefore, it will be very interesting to see whether his hint to me that Gold and Gold stocks are set to…

Ruspetro – have we seen the bottom?

Ruspetro – have we seen the bottom?

6 mins. to read

UPDATE – 26 MAR 13 – Looks like someone’s let the cat out of the bag with the price action today – either the loans been sorted or the short covering is beginning in earnest. If the latter – good luck on that one! Alternately, my OLD “friend” Caaawky could be out of the stock…

Cyprus closes a Deal but its future remains at Stake

Cyprus closes a Deal but its future remains at Stake

4 mins. to read

So, in yet another eurozone fudge, the Cyprus’ government acquiesced to the Troika in a last minute deal to raise the necessary funds in order to save the Cypriot financial system and avert bankruptcy. In the event, the final arrangement was really just a variant of the initial EU proposal but this time the deposit…

Avocet Mining – Key week ahead

Avocet Mining – Key week ahead

0 mins. to read

UPDATE – 25 MAR 2013 – Well the flag has been well and truly broken to the upside. Let’s see how long it takes to reach 30p… And so it’s a key week ahead for shareholders in Avocet Mining (including ourselves). The valuation story has been done extensively in the last edition of our magazine…