Swen Lorenz

The Evil Diaries: Oh Deary Deary Me

The Evil Diaries: Oh Deary Deary Me

4 mins. to read

Evil discusses Greece, Oxus, Foxtons and Beximco Pharma… Readers will recall that last Monday, 26th January, I offered my opinion that the Greeks, as an electorate, have justly and by implication wisely decided to welsh on debts to the ECB or, put another way, Germany. I put this to my Greek contact, Stavros (no relation…

What Does OPEC Know About The Oil Price?

What Does OPEC Know About The Oil Price?

2 mins. to read

by Zak Mir I have in the recent past described OPEC as the world’s worst cartel. And it has to be said, I have not been inundated with comments suggesting that this conclusion is wrong. After all, the whole point of a cartel is to manipulate prices to the upside, not drag them down 50%…

James Faulkner on Indivior – Specialty pharma going cheap

James Faulkner on Indivior – Specialty pharma going cheap

4 mins. to read

What is it about corporations and unintelligible names? Apparently, Indivior (IND) is a combination of the words ‘individual’ and ‘endeavor’, if you hadn’t guessed it already. However, silly names aside, it’s what’s under the bonnet that counts… Indivior started life as the pharmaceuticals division of consumer goods conglomerate Reckitt Benckiser (RB.), before being spun-out and…

Evil Knievil on Greece, Orosur, Oxus and the Oscars

Evil Knievil on Greece, Orosur, Oxus and the Oscars

2 mins. to read

This Greek thing is mildly comic with the dissembling Europhile liars out in full force. The fact is that the average Greek saw no point in paying off debts run up by the bent ministers of the past and, quite possibly, those to come. So he voted to get rid of the debt by refusing…

FTSE 100 to hit new highs? By Zak Mir

FTSE 100 to hit new highs? By Zak Mir

3 mins. to read

Over the past 15 years there have been plenty of times when the bulls could have justifiably sung victory regarding the prospect of the FTSE 100 getting above and staying above the 7,000. One of the more convincing near misses was in the summer of 2007, clearly not a great time to be going long…

Binary bet of the week: Draghi delivered, but will the politicians?

Binary bet of the week: Draghi delivered, but will the politicians?

4 mins. to read

by Dave Evans of binary.com It was a huge week for Mario Draghi’s ECB with high expectations for Thursday’s Quantitative Easing package. The general consensus is that he did not disappoint. The much vaunted QE program came in slightly bigger than expected and so far, there are few holes that analysts have found to pick through.…

Zak Mir sees salvation for the gold bugs from Europe

Zak Mir sees salvation for the gold bugs from Europe

2 mins. to read

It may very well be that 22nd January 2015 was the day that the Gold Bugs were waiting for, courtesy of ECB President Mario Draghi. The “smart” money decided that in the wake of the financial crisis in 2008 that governments would require central banks to print money in order to avert a massive catastrophe…