Swen Lorenz

Time’s Ticking Down for America’s Top Banker

Time’s Ticking Down for America’s Top Banker

2 mins. to read

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke may be getting ready to sail off into the sunset as his reign as the top banker in the world is likely coming to an end.  The speculation is that it is doubtful Bernanke will decide to extend his stay as head of the Federal Reserve for a third term…

A potential pairs trade opportunity in USDYEN v Nikkei

A potential pairs trade opportunity in USDYEN v Nikkei

1 mins. to read

When we were suggesting to short the Nikkei (in the face of my ol pal Caawky & Mr “Big Call” John Piper’s long calls) 2 weeks ago at levels between 14500 – 16000 the retort I received from pretty much everyone I bounced it at was  – “are you mad, it’s all about the Yen”,…

Why There’s Nothing Exciting About the Jobs Reading

Why There’s Nothing Exciting About the Jobs Reading

2 mins. to read

It sure doesn’t take much to get this stock market excited, which we have seen over the past six months as stocks have edged higher in spite of any concerns regarding the fiscal cliff and the sequestration. Even a potential stock market bubble in Japan is being pushed aside.  So, when the non-farm jobs market…

Unique Investment Opportunity Born in America

Unique Investment Opportunity Born in America

2 mins. to read

Something just occurred that has not happened since 1997: the U.S. produced more oil domestically than we imported. Just a few years ago, people would’ve viewed that statement as simply a fantasy.  This is a perfect example of what happens when business owners see an investment opportunity that will help create corporate earnings. The escalating…

ENRC, Suleiman Kerimov and the Sunday Times KAZ piece

ENRC, Suleiman Kerimov and the Sunday Times KAZ piece

1 mins. to read

Suleiman Kerimov It was with a little wry smile that I read the Sunday Times piece on Kazakhmys this last weekend whilst enjoying the sunshine. Danny Fortson has also now alerted his readers to the completely nonsensical valuation that we have banged on about on this blog for the last 3 months. We will not…

Why ECB’s President Mario Draghi Is Unrealistic

Why ECB’s President Mario Draghi Is Unrealistic

3 mins. to read

Mario Draghi  There is much discussion on China and the impact of stalling on the global economy, yet the region that really needs to be monitored is Europe and the eurozone.  While China is still growing its economy at a seven- to eight-percent clip and is tops among the G8 countries in the global economy,…