Swen Lorenz

Will Investors Play The Cooperative Game?

Will Investors Play The Cooperative Game?

4 mins. to read

Following a 6 months period during which equity markets experienced seemingly one way movements – up and the US sovereign debt yield curve was calm, the latest turbulence principally in the bond market may just be a warning signal, certainly when coupled with the rising volatility seen during the last 5 weeks. For now though,…

Coast Isn’t Clear for America, Economic Growth Slowing

Coast Isn’t Clear for America, Economic Growth Slowing

2 mins. to read

Over the past few months, it appears that the first-quarter economic growth spurt has begun to decelerate in America. This is troublesome, as stock market investors had anticipated that we would be seeing economic growth finally gain steam.  Unfortunately, we don’t have the global economy on which to rely. Much of the world remains quite…

Where is the value in the world?

Where is the value in the world?

1 mins. to read

How to read the table –  Dark blue (very cheap) = current relative valuation < -1.5 standard deviations from historical average. Light blue (cheap) = current relative valuation between < -1.5 and <-0.75 standard deviations from historical average. No colour (neutral or N/A) = current relative valuation between > -0.75 and <+0.75 standard deviations from…

All eyes on the Fed Part (I) – positioning ahead of the decision

All eyes on the Fed Part (I) – positioning ahead of the decision

2 mins. to read

The Federal Open Market Committee starts its two day June policy  meeting tomorrow. Although it is unlikely that there will be any immediate specific policy shifts as a result, Ben Bernanke is scheduled to give a press conference on Wednesday in conjunction with the release of the Committee’s statement.  Whatever he says is likely to…

Stock market crashes of the 19th century

Stock market crashes of the 19th century

11 mins. to read

Stock-market crashes saw the light of day more and more as the world became industrialized. The 19th century saw a rapid increase in their numbers. There’s money to be had at any time, whether the market is going up or down. But, it’s avoiding the downs and pulling out before the things start to go haywire…



1 mins. to read

Well, right on cue, the FTSE is playing out per the script of the last 3 years moribund summer months with a quite severe downdraft now from only 4 weeks ago. At the lows last week, the correction was aronund 10% from the highs just shy of 6900. Take a look at the chart below…

An SBM Investment IQ teaser…

An SBM Investment IQ teaser…

2 mins. to read

SBM Investment IQ poser   1. There is a tender from God and you are given a chance to give up a percentage of your wealth in order to replay one day in your life in the future e.g. one of your children gets run over by a car, you replay the day and avoid…

SBM unveils the future of bulletin boards…

SBM unveils the future of bulletin boards…

0 mins. to read

Slightly different to other boards where you need the company epic to access the board, you simply type the company name into the Company Search box in the top right of the screen and then select the company to visit its stream. No registration necessary. Check it out to see the future of bulletin boards!