Swen Lorenz

Carney’s reign begins

Carney’s reign begins

3 mins. to read

Carney’s reign begins by Ben Turney  Today’s meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) marks the first of Mark Carney’s reign as Governor of the Bank of England (BoE).  He has joined the BoE with a stellar reputation as one of a handful of global superstar central bankers.  His supporters point to the success of…

Zam Mir on Centamin – The Turnaround

Zam Mir on Centamin – The Turnaround

4 mins. to read

Although it might have been irresponsible to call the floor in Centamin (CEY) ahead of the 48-hour deadline for the former president of Egypt to “vacate office” shall we say, the fact that shares of the gold miner and Egypt proxy did not decline any further below 30p, despite all the chaos in its adopted…

Livesquawk guest post – 10 key questions for “super” Mario Draghi

Livesquawk guest post – 10 key questions for “super” Mario Draghi

12 mins. to read

ECB PREVIEW: 10 QUESTIONS FOR DRAGHI  Markets expect the European Central Bank (ECB) to hold its refinance rate at 0.50% and its deposit rate at 0% at its July monetary policy meeting. However, the focus will be on ECB president Mario Draghi’s post-meeting press conference; journalists certainly have plenty of ammunition to hit Draghi with. …

Has the tide turned for AIM resource stocks? (at least temporarily)

Has the tide turned for AIM resource stocks? (at least temporarily)

4 mins. to read

By Ben Turney I am not a fan of London’s Alternative Investment Market and have serious doubts if the model can survive in the long run. It is too cannibalistic, the regulatory model is fundamentally flawed and the valuation model relies far more on the manic behaviour of crowds rather than actual growth generated by…

Game Over In Portugal?

Game Over In Portugal?

4 mins. to read

The political crisis which started in Portugal 48 hours ago that continues to escalate into both a political and economic problem at the wider European level is yet another reminder that the European saga hasn’t ended yet. Austerity applied elsewhere throughout the economic bloc has failed to deliver the necessary growth to put an end…

RBS & Barclays: A case of Can’t Lend, Won’t Lend!

RBS & Barclays: A case of Can’t Lend, Won’t Lend!

2 mins. to read

Whereas my esteemed predecessor as Editor of Spreadbet Magazine has had a penchant for mining stocks and calling the floor in that particular asset class after a near two-year rout (or not as the case may be!), one of my many obsessions is the banking sector and the services to the community it provides (or…

Are the Fed’s finally about to nail Steve Cohen?

Are the Fed’s finally about to nail Steve Cohen?

3 mins. to read

Do you remember the May issue of SBM, the one with The Biggest Insider Traders of All Time? At that time we decided to include Steve Cohen and his firm SAC Capital along with big names like Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, and Raj Rajaratnam. We foresaw the rope tightening around “Stevie” as the Feds rounded…

How to Take Advantage of the Inevitable Rise in Interest Rates

How to Take Advantage of the Inevitable Rise in Interest Rates

3 mins. to read

Guest Post by Investment Contrarians Many people are only just now coming to understand something I’ve been warning about for several months: interest rates are set to rise.  In the month of June, there was a record amount of money pulled out of bond mutual funds and bond exchange-traded funds (ETFs).  According to TrimTabs, a…

Can You Deliver My Gold?

Can You Deliver My Gold?

3 mins. to read

Following 3 years of accommodative monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve who have expanded their balance sheet to nearly $4 trillion in order to keep borrowing costs for the US government at record lows and ignite a self sustaining recovery, gold prices in the early stages of this experiment were very buoyant, rising to…