Swen Lorenz

Zak Mir – Tactical Buy call on selected AIM oilies

Zak Mir – Tactical Buy call on selected AIM oilies

4 mins. to read

It remains difficult not to continue to be mesmerised by the “up-and-coming” oil and gas explorers such as Bowleven (BLVN), Rockhopper Exploration (RKH) and Xcite Energy (XEL). Indeed, I have also been bitten by the bug in this respect given that the latter is one of my top 10 AIM picks for the second half…

Blackberry: Countdown TO the Takeover BEGINS…

Blackberry: Countdown TO the Takeover BEGINS…

4 mins. to read

The eponymous and once must have gadget, the BlackBerry aka the “crackberry” for its addictive nature, is under pressure once more with Thorsten Heinz’s bet the ranch strategy on the new BB10 (pictured) being questioned by analysts as the shares slide back into single digits. It seems that wresting the front field back from the…

Silver – The Resilient Commodity to Ready for a Big Comeback

Silver – The Resilient Commodity to Ready for a Big Comeback

2 mins. to read

Guest post by Investment Contrarians  For many investors, 2013 was supposed to be the year that silver regained its luster. Most economists thought silver would climb as a hedge against inflation and be a devalued dollar on the heels of continued economic turmoil. Or, assuming the economic rebound was in full swing, it would grow…

Zak Mir and Gulf Keystone In The Garden Of Eden

Zak Mir and Gulf Keystone In The Garden Of Eden

2 mins. to read

As you might imagine, the daily chart of Gulf Keystone is one that I am somewhat familiar with, having followed this stock extremely closely in recent months, This not only because it is one of the most highly followed and widely owned stocks in the UK market but also because, even at the best of…