Swen Lorenz

Don’t Be Complacent—A Market Correction Is on Its Way

Don’t Be Complacent—A Market Correction Is on Its Way

2 mins. to read

Guest post by Investment Contrarians The time to act is close at hand. As long-time readers of my pages are aware, one of my primary concerns about the current economy has been the complacency of investor sentiment. If you look back to any period just prior to a significant market correction, what you will usually…

Is the smart money buying US stocks?

Is the smart money buying US stocks?

2 mins. to read

By Ben Turney  Earnings season apparently went off with a bang earlier this week as Alcoa “beat” Wall Street expectations.  The overjoyed headlines, which followed, were amplified the next day as market commentators went wild at remarks by Ben Bernanke which apparently suggested his “put” is still in place.  The Dow has stuck on 350…

Helicopter Ben: Whirlybirds To Keep Flying

Helicopter Ben: Whirlybirds To Keep Flying

5 mins. to read

It is against my nature to make personal jibes against anyone, but the latest chapter in the QE tapering saga from Ben Bernanke makes it difficult to argue that the Chairman of the Federal Reserve has any more backbone than a jellyfish! True, he is in an almost impossible position in terms of the U.S.…

Overreacting to the Fed?

Overreacting to the Fed?

3 mins. to read

By Ben Turney Fighting the tide is one of the contrarian’s toughest dilemmas.  Successfully identifying high and low watermarks can yield the greatest rewards, but putting yourself on the wrong side of the trend is usually a punishing experience.  In the last week I have had to face up to the fact that the tide…



2 mins. to read

This mornings trading update from new CEO Mark Slade gives us continued confidence in our Conviction Buy call here. The full argument is on page 46 of this issue – http://issuu.com/spreadbetmagazine/docs/spreadbet_magazine_v15_generic Trading update The Board of London Capital Group Holdings plc (“the Group”), the financial services and online spread betting and CFD company, is pleased…

Interesting post on Italy’s signs of depression

Interesting post on Italy’s signs of depression

4 mins. to read

When you get into too much debt, really bad things start to happen.  Sadly, that is exactly what is happening to Italy right now.  Harsh austerity measures are causing the Italian economy to slow down even more than it was previously.  And yet even with all of the austerity measures, the Italian government just continues…

Why I Think You Can Still Ride the Market Higher

Why I Think You Can Still Ride the Market Higher

2 mins. to read

Guest Post by Investment Contrarians  I have to admit that my hat’s off to the U.S. economy. Outcomes in the first half of the year were far better than I expected. And the second half seems to have started where the first half ended—on a high note.  I’m not complaining. There have been nice trading…

Zak Mir wades into the Precious Metals Bull/bear call

Zak Mir wades into the Precious Metals Bull/bear call

4 mins. to read

It seems that at present, every financial commentator worth their salt is grappling with the price action in the yellow metal and its brethren silver. They are either attempting to call the bottom in the near two-year decline or, talking gold in particular down to sub $1000. Of course, the vast majority of these very…