Swen Lorenz

Afternoon comment courtesy of Spreadex

Afternoon comment courtesy of Spreadex

0 mins. to read

Global markets remained range bound today as investors decided that now was a good time to cash in on recent highs and get into the swing of their summer holidays.  Volumes are proving thin and even the most opportunistic of investors are finding it hard to find bargains within the markets.  Investors are also being…

A reminder of why analysts collectively are always wrong

A reminder of why analysts collectively are always wrong

0 mins. to read

A pretty downbeat note on African Barrick by Morgan Stanley was passed my way today. In our morning investment meeting I was asked for my opinion on this.  One comment was made be may, that was all that was needed really – they had the stock as a Buy only 2 years ago with a…

What the Economy Is Telling Me About Oil Prices

What the Economy Is Telling Me About Oil Prices

2 mins. to read

  Guest post by Investment Contrarians  Oil prices continue to edge higher on the chart, and that’s pushing the cost of gasoline higher at the pumps.  Now, while U.S. crude inventories have risen over the past two weeks, I do not believe there’s a supply-demand issue that is propping it up. I believe the demand…

Gold – Physical v Paper – the dam’s about to break…

Gold – Physical v Paper – the dam’s about to break…

14 mins. to read

Courtesy of GoldMoney The recent slide in the gold price has generated substantial demand for bullion that will likely bring forward a financial and systemic disaster for both central and bullion banks that has been brewing for a long time. To understand why, we must examine their role and motivations in precious metals markets and…



10 mins. to read

The markets are always keen to teach us lessons, even lessons we thought we already knew. For instance, divorce is expensive. Given the 2 million shares just sold by trendy fashion retailer Supergroup (SGP) founder James Holder at £10, it really does make one wonder why anyone other than the most poverty stricken would chose…

SBM Trade Call complete Gap Closed on WTI – Brent

SBM Trade Call complete Gap Closed on WTI – Brent

3 mins. to read

Do you remember our magazine issue in November last year? Hopefully you read our special feature starting page 15 “A Brief History of Oil”, Link here – http://issuu.com/spreadbetmagazine/docs/spreadbet-magazine-v10_generic, in particular the last part about the WTI – Brent spread, which we transcribe here: “The most interesting situation for us, however, is in relation to the current…

Afternoon comment courtesy of Spreadex

Afternoon comment courtesy of Spreadex

0 mins. to read

Global markets continued to display see-saw movements today as investors digested key highlights from day one of the G20 meetings.  Policy officials were quick to highlight the structures which are already in place to help increase job creation as well as business development, which led to a temporary boost in investors’ sentiment.  However, this proved…

Zak Mir – Quick mining snippet – RRS in focus

Zak Mir – Quick mining snippet – RRS in focus

1 mins. to read

As I have stated before, it appeared that perhaps the easiest way to gauge when gold the was about to turn,on a sustained basis, was to keep an eye on gold mining stocks. I reminded of this today as I look at the daily chart of Randgold Resources (RRS). What can be seen here is…