Swen Lorenz

HSBC, The Swiss and Rich Envy

HSBC, The Swiss and Rich Envy

3 mins. to read

By Zak Mir It seems fair to say that as sovereign debt started to crash central banks and governments over the past few years, the blame game started to be ratcheted up, especially in the financial media. Part of the end game of this is playing out in Greece, with austerity still a dirty word…

Is the Rexam Bid a Can of Worms?

Is the Rexam Bid a Can of Worms?

4 mins. to read

  By Robert Sutherland Smith. It seems that British canning company Rexam (REX) is about to be grabbed by its US competitor the Balls Corporation of Colorado. There is none of the history and social role regarding the company’s history of the UK that was associated with the bid for Cadbury’s. So this is a bid…

The Evil Diaries: Faites vos jeux

The Evil Diaries: Faites vos jeux

3 mins. to read

Evil discusses Asia Resource Minerals and Churchill Mining… Well, well, well. Nat Rothschild has underwritten a $100m placing at 25p a share for Asia Resource Minerals (ARMS). This is a big premium to the price ruling before the RNS this morning and, even now, the stock stands at a substantial discount to the issue price.…

This Leading Economic Indicator Just Hit a 29-Year Low!

This Leading Economic Indicator Just Hit a 29-Year Low!

3 mins. to read

by James Faulkner With many a doom-monger throwing in their two pennies’ worth on the ultra-bearish side of late, one more bearish signal may not make a whole lot of difference. However, this one in particular could be worth paying attention to. The Baltic Dry Index, an economic indicator that tracks the price of shipping…

The Evil Diaries: Septuagenarian Vegetarian

The Evil Diaries: Septuagenarian Vegetarian

1 mins. to read

Evil discusses Hargreaves Lansdown, Avanti Communications, Oxus Gold and vegetarianism… Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.), now 980p, is on a PE of 28 or whatever. But the easy days of handling funds are over and that rating is just too rich. ***** I closed my longstanding short in Avanti (AVN). I had to pay 245p which surprised…

Hedge Funds and £19m for the Tories: Because they are worth It

Hedge Funds and £19m for the Tories: Because they are worth It

3 mins. to read

Call me old fashioned, or at 48, just plain old, but it would appear what this and every country needs, in a world full of sovereign debt, is wealth creators. They should be encouraged to make cute mobile phones, bag less vacuum cleaners, write songs, screenplays and generally go for gold. Before these would be…

An Evil Knievil Special: Plus ca change

An Evil Knievil Special: Plus ca change

6 mins. to read

Evil discusses Tesco and Nasdaq-listed Cadiz… So Tesco (TSCO) is to be investigated for unfair trade practices such as late payment to suppliers and space sales to suppliers who seek to promote their lines. All this will take time and money and achieve nothing whatsoever. It is just modern government in practice. All that a…

Syriza Paves The Way For Changes in Europe

Syriza Paves The Way For Changes in Europe

9 mins. to read

Economic analysis by Filipe R. Costa For the second time in just a couple of years, Greece is at the top of EU affairs threatening creditors with a potential default on its debt obligations. Against the wishes of the EU mandarins, Alexis Tsipras and his left-wing party Syriza were elected by the Greek people to…