Swen Lorenz

An ode to “anal”ysts – the hindsight players of the Financial World!

An ode to “anal”ysts – the hindsight players of the Financial World!

4 mins. to read

By Filipe R. Costa & R Jennings, Titan Investment Partners It is interesting to note how fast some analysts from major banks and investment houses change their opinions regarding the assets they supposedly research. Of course, others, usually the brokerage house of a particular stock, commonly known as “the shop” stick doggedly to their view,…

Natural Gas the Next Big Commodity Trade?

Natural Gas the Next Big Commodity Trade?

2 mins. to read

By Investment Contrarians To put it mildly, natural gas simply doesn’t get as much attention as crude oil, or even gold. Mr. Speculator, my good old friend, once said, “Why would you want to even bother looking at it? The prices have collapsed and have been ranging for years.” It’s certainly true that natural gas…

Overnight roundup courtesy of Spreadex – 23/09/13

Overnight roundup courtesy of Spreadex – 23/09/13

0 mins. to read

European stock markets are seen opening slightly lower to unchanged as investors focus on developments in Germany following the re-election of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Despite Merkel winning her third term at the helm of Europe’s biggest economy, the votes came in slightly short of an overall victory. It will now be up to Merkel to…

chart du jour – which one blinks first – the Fed or gold?!

chart du jour – which one blinks first – the Fed or gold?!

0 mins. to read

The chart above, to us, is extremely telling… With $18tn of debt outstanding (and growing), there is no way that the FED can scale back dramatically the purchasing of bonds in the immediate term and with uber dove Yellen in the frame for the new Fed Chair seat, we know which way we are comfortable…

Zak Mir on Fooling The Markets; Tapering, Facebook & Apple

Zak Mir on Fooling The Markets; Tapering, Facebook & Apple

3 mins. to read

I think that it will turn out that last week could prove to be a watershed for financial markets. The Fed was always going to have great difficulty in digging itself out of the QE hole that it has managed to lodge itself in. However serious questions also remain about the role of the media…

It seems we’re Not Alone In Our bullish stance on precious metals

It seems we’re Not Alone In Our bullish stance on precious metals

4 mins. to read

By Filipe R. Costa Ned Goodman During euphoric times, most investors don’t waste time rationally analysing things. If markets are going up and everybody is bullish, why bother examining the reasons for it? There’s no time to waste when every stock is a buy! The only thing that really matters is to hurry up and…

Afternoon comment courtesy of Spreadex

Afternoon comment courtesy of Spreadex

0 mins. to read

World markets maintained their 5 year highs, finishing the week on major gains after the US Federal Reserve’s shock decision to keep its flow of stimulus steady. European markets dipped into the red on Friday as investors locked in some of the gains we have seen this week.  US markets remained little changed, pointing to…