Swen Lorenz

Zak Mir on RBS – our very own vampire squid!

Zak Mir on RBS – our very own vampire squid!

3 mins. to read

By Zak Mir. At the risk of sounding like the anti-Christ, perhaps some good can come out of government “entrepreneur in residence” Lawrence Tomlinson’s revelations about the latest shocking practices to afflict our banking sector. In case you’ve missed it, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has been accused of sending otherwise profitable businesses to the…

US Dollar – Why It will not “Be Different” again thisTime Around

US Dollar – Why It will not “Be Different” again thisTime Around

3 mins. to read

Buy the U.S. dollar, because it’s going to gain strength going forward, or so say the mainstream. The reasoning behind this investment strategy is very simple: the central banks of major economic hubs are working to devalue their currencies. As a result, there will be a rush to buy the U.S. dollar—it’s proven to be…

thought of the day…

thought of the day…

0 mins. to read

Silver remains a tiny market with all above ground refined silver in the world at roughly 1 billion ounces for a total valuation of less than $20 billion at today’s prices. Therefore, all the silver in the world is worth less than the total market capitalisation of one tech darling, Twitter. It is worth less…

The never ending story… return of the herd…

The never ending story… return of the herd…

2 mins. to read

By Filipe R. Costa. Is it really any surprise that mutual funds are luring private investors back into the market at a greater rate than at any point in the last 12 years? After all, this is approaching the top of the market. Of course retail investors are piling back in! People never learn. Unlike…

The Theory Of Selective Hyperinflation Leading To General Hyperinflation

The Theory Of Selective Hyperinflation Leading To General Hyperinflation

2 mins. to read

By Zak Mir. Last week saw London graced with the presence of Spreadbet Magazine’s founder, Mr Richard Jennings. As is ever the case, Mr Jennings and I had some lively debates over the current state of the markets. It really is interesting how, despite all the wonders of global online communication, face to face discussion…

Dominic Picarda’s Trading Pick 25th November 2013

Dominic Picarda’s Trading Pick 25th November 2013

1 mins. to read

By Dominic Picarda. I cast doubt last week upon the wisdom of being short the indices and long gold at this time, as many retail punters seem to be. The action since then has borne out my view, as equities are once again frothing higher, while the yellow metal is melting. I see no reason…