Swen Lorenz

The ancient Hebrew approach to avoiding boom and bust

The ancient Hebrew approach to avoiding boom and bust

3 mins. to read

“This fiftieth year is sacred—it is a time of freedom and of celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families.”     —Leviticus 25:10 A few years ago, I came across a really interesting idea about property rights. I was listening to a radio programme, broadcast from…

Zak Mir on FTSE350 oil plays; TLW, BG & CNE

Zak Mir on FTSE350 oil plays; TLW, BG & CNE

2 mins. to read

By Zak Mir. As I wrote earlier in the week, the price of crude (Brent and WTI) is back on the move in a positive way. This gives me a good excuse to revisit the charting position of three FTSE350 Oil & Gas plays; Tullow Oil (TLW), BG Group (BG) & Cairn Energy (CNE). Each…

“Real” inflation continues to squeeze British savers

“Real” inflation continues to squeeze British savers

2 mins. to read

By Filipe R. Costa According to the latest data from the Bank of England, British households have been pulling money out of their savings accounts at the fastest rate since records began in 1970. The Credit Crunch ushered in a prolonged recession in Britain, tearing away at consumer spending power. To compound this problem, real…

Zak Mir on the two crudes WTI & Brent

Zak Mir on the two crudes WTI & Brent

2 mins. to read

By Zak Mir. The recent history for crudle oil on both its major benchmarks, WTI and Brent, has been interesting. From a fundamental perspective, or at least picking out the standouts as far as the newsflow has been concerned, the market for oil has been grappling with the revelation that the US was a net…

My Next Investment…Buying An NYC Taxi Medallion!!!

My Next Investment…Buying An NYC Taxi Medallion!!!

2 mins. to read

By Filipe R. Costa In the long run, many of the best performing investments are outside of Wall Street’s grasp. While the DJIA has yielded 7.7% on average each year since 1975, there is another interesting New York investment that has performed much better than that over the same period. And that is even before…

Risers and fallers

Risers and fallers

2 mins. to read

Risers: AZ Electronic Materials +51.64% AZ Electronic Materials has today announced that German drug maker Merck has entered an agreement regarding a recommended £1.6bln cash offer for the entire share capital of the firm. The purchase of AZ is to further expand Merck’s materials and chemicals business through adding a premium supplier of high-tech materials.…

Zak Mir on the major indices & tapering fear

Zak Mir on the major indices & tapering fear

0 mins. to read

By Zak Mir.   Renewed tapering fears have hit leading indices, just when most traders might have thought that we were in the run up to a decent end of year rally. Interestingly enough, the FTSE 100 was something of a leading indicator as far as the latest decline for U.S. equities as it did…

Dominic Picarda’s Trading Pick 4th December 2013

Dominic Picarda’s Trading Pick 4th December 2013

0 mins. to read

By Dominic Picarda. As I pointed out on Monday, early December is actually not always such a great time for equities. Traders tend to group it together with the festive frolics that customarily occur later in the month, but this is plainly misleading. The selling that came yesterday was a reminder of this tendency towards…

The precious metals massacre continues unabated…

The precious metals massacre continues unabated…

4 mins. to read

Gold bulls are getting massacred. The market euphoria that has gripped the main boards and taken hold of the “all is well, bravo the Fed!” crowd has a nasty sting for any pragmatist who knows that a debt crisis cannot be solved by yet more debt. That the latter group will almost certainly be proven…