Swen Lorenz

Risers and fallers – 19/12/13

Risers and fallers – 19/12/13

2 mins. to read

Risers:  WPP Group +2.35% WPP Group’s operating company, GroupM, has today acquired a majority stake in social media marketing agency ClickMedia for an undisclosed sum. Vietnam based ClickMedia specialise in cohesive social media marketing including campaign strategy and implementation, crisis prevention and employs around 55 people.  United Carpets +52.00% United Carpets has today reported an…

Kazakhmys & the parallel universe Part (2)…Updated

Kazakhmys & the parallel universe Part (2)…Updated

1 mins. to read

Kazakhmys & the parallel universe Part (2)… Well it seems that I am stuck perpetually in Groundhog Day… Another day, another hit to Kazakhmys and the mining spectrum… In this parallel universe I happened however to come across a number of “anal”yst recommendations, the evolution of one which I present in all its “glory” below.…



1 mins. to read

The euphoria surrounding tapering of U.S stimulus throughout the last week or so has culminated in the Federal Reserve taking the risky step of beginning the winding down process. The Central Bank refrained from taking any exuberant steps, instead deciding to trim the pace of its monthly asset purchases by $10billion to $75 billion. Policy…

Are the money printers about to turn off the printers?

Are the money printers about to turn off the printers?

3 mins. to read

So, with the year of 2013 almost at an end, unless Mr Bernanke decides to raise interest rates this year and sell bonds back to the market (see that pig fly by?!), it looks likely to end up as one of the best years for equity investors in recent times. Although the FTSE 100 rose…

What to expect at todays FED meeting

What to expect at todays FED meeting

3 mins. to read

In a typically quiet week as we go into the final furlong towards the festive period, there could be some fireworks in the markets tomorrow as the US FOMC announces the outcome of its 2 day meeting. All eyes are on Bernanke and whether he sets in motion the so called tapering of the massive…

Risers and fallers – 18/12/13

Risers and fallers – 18/12/13

2 mins. to read

Risers:  Ophir Energy +2.50% Oil and Gas producer, Ophir Energy, has entered into a comprehensive farm-out deal with Austrian OMV in regards to its deep-water blocks in Gabon. The agreement states that OMV will acquire a 30% non-operated interest in the Manga and Gnondo blocks and also 10% non-operated interest in the Mbeli and Ntsina…

quote of the day from Marc Faber

quote of the day from Marc Faber

0 mins. to read

“Of all the asset claases that I look at, the most depressed is precious metals (and precious metals equities).  If money printing continues, which he sees as likely around the world as they “continue their insane policies”, these will benefit the most.” THE GDX ETF WEEKLY CHART (LARGE CAP GOLD MINERS) OVER THE LAST  8 YEARS –…



1 mins. to read

Will they, won’t they, tapering is likely the only thing on most investors mind today ahead of the FOMC’s decision on whether to finally taper the unprecedented $85 billion monthly bond buying scheme. Investor’s recent activity would suggest an initial confidence in no tapering with US indices starting strongly yesterday, however fear and second guessing…