Contrarian Investor UK

Falkland Oil and Gas signs second farm in deal and spuds key Loligo prospect well – SBM moves to Speculative Buy

Falkland Oil and Gas signs second farm in deal and spuds key Loligo prospect well – SBM moves to Speculative Buy

4 mins. to read

Following the muted response to the Rockhopper farm-in deal with Premier oil announced just a few weeks ago in July, fellow Falklands Islands oil explorer, Falkland Oil and Gas (FOGL) was chirpy this morning on news of its own additional farm out agreement after the original one of a couple months ago with Edison. The…

Xcite Energy board reshuffle sees CEO Richard Smith retiring

Xcite Energy board reshuffle sees CEO Richard Smith retiring

2 mins. to read

Another solid update this morning from Xcite Energy’s North Sea Bentley field extended well test with the 9/03b-7 well producing at a stabilised rate of approximately 3,200 barrels per day with no associated basic sediments or water, better than the initial 2,900 barrel per day flow rate announced a couple of weeks ago.  This is viewed…

Drilling update from Range/Red Emperor and Chariot kicks off Nimrod

Drilling update from Range/Red Emperor and Chariot kicks off Nimrod

1 mins. to read

Red Emperor Resources, Range Resources and Horn Petroleum today announced a further update from the Shabeel North Well in Puntland, Somalia. With a follow up to the recent “water not oil” announcement (!) which sent the shares plummeting, the well reached a depth of 2,200 meters with the logging indicating “that the most prospective looking…