Meet the Writer – Sarah Lowther

Content Tease: Trusting your instinct can unlock first there advantages
Name: Sarah Jane Lowther
Occupation / Profession?
I’m a qualified plasterer and clinical masseur which are pretty similar occupations in terms of assessing the life that buildings breathe and hopefully my patients. But my full time job is asking people what their purpose is and what’s the point of their business. If they can’t answer that, it’s a huge red flag and my podcasts, videos and written work come with a health warning. Some say I have an irreverent view of the stock markets. They are indeed quite correct. When not in front of a microphone, I can be found on building sites and under a gazebo at farmer’s markets.
Biggest pleasure outside work?
Wild swimming. Back in the 70’s when the Isle of Mull was accessible via an 8-car ferry and old cart tracks, my family used to hire the same cottage every summer and I’d spend the summer swimming. The island is too touristy now so I’ve found some secluded, clean spots elsewhere where I can swim quietly. My weekends are devoted to food, and I work for two young lads selling their charcuterie and cheese at local markets.
Best investment advice?
So, for me this question is about investing in one’s future. Therefore, my advice is always be kind even if it means telling little white lies. The other one is continuous education. During lockdown I studied anatomy and physiology at Hammersmith Hospital and as I advance in years, this knowledge is proving very useful. Never underestimate the power of arnica.
Best investment action?
Agreeing to sit for a pretty racy portrait in the 1990’s when I was stick thin with dengue fever. The artist was famous, he died a week later and now that portrait, which was his last, is worth quite a bit.
Is there anything you’d do differently?
Just over twenty years ago when I returned from distributing famine relief in Asia, I wanted to open a restaurant called ‘Leftovers’ which was all about minimising food waste and creating tasty dishes. I was laughed at. I should have trusted my instinct and ignored those who mocked.
Biggest influences?
Obviously my mum and dad. They built their first house using bricks from an estate that had just been demolished in Hartlepool. They taught me how to dress bricks and over the years I have amassed quite a collection. Prior to its takeover circa 2006, my big investment tip was Baggeridge Brick. It was a personal tip, but one based on solid foundations. (See what I did there?)
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