Evil Knievil: This has taken some time

Master Investor Magazine
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Given that the latest expert assessment of the economics of HS2 was available to HMG in late October it is curious that the conclusion therein (i.e. close it down) has still not formally been commented upon. The total investment to date is of the order of £10bn and must have increased this last three months by a substantial sum. Could it be that HMG tried to gain electoral advantage through delay? If so, we have all dearly paid for it.
About ten days ago Betfair suspended my account (with no notice) and set about checking whether the money I have paid them this last year is honestly come by. This is very hard to prove.
I have written to HMG’s permanent secretary at DCMS (she is ultimately responsible for the conduct of the Gambling Commission which has devised this framework in which Betfair has to respond) and pointed out that it is impossible to prove that she did not commit adultery without her spouse’s knowledge last night.
So my account at Betfair remains suspended.
Fever Tree (LON:FEVR) is coming back down to earth. Now £15 it is still a short. This has taken some time.
In the same vein, and possibly a bit prematurely, Hotel Chocolat (LON:HOTC), now 400p, is on a stellar rating and will surely break down in due course.
Finally, I feel a bit of a charlie in regarding Tesla’s (NASDAQ:TSLA) meteoric rise as impossible. But the argument is unchanged. It hurts but I remain short.
I am enjoying your column immensely as I sip my Fevertree G& T.
Tesla will continue to defy the laws of gravity thanks to:
Elon Musk The Strong One! Keeps you in orbit smelling fresh as a daisy!
One spray lasts all day! You know it makes cents!
The price of winning too much Simon?
Getting more and more burnt on Tesla? Is this the sign that the market might be near the top? A year from now could Tesla be $65? or $1000 if the madness lasts.
REA no news yet on the preference dividend as january draws to a close. Crude palm oil has been above 700 for almost 2 months and futures going forward look promising.
REA management could lock in some of their future production at profitable prices and leave the rest for sale in the market should prices remain buoyant to capture possible upside but with the downside negated by the sales?