Evil Knievil: Parking nirvana

Master Investor Magazine
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Culture section: if you liked Bohemian Rhapsody you will like Rocketman. The Russians must be completely mad to ban this film appearing in their territory.
BoJo indicates that he will amend the law relating to the BBC’s right to collect the licence fee whereby a prison sentence awaits whomever declines to pay it. After all, failure to pay a civil liability does not lead to that result.
I venture to suggest that the BBC should arrange to debit all who wish on their account at HMRC. HMRC have a long history of dealing with recalcitrant payers.
Those who prefer to pay the fee in the current manner would do so subject to paying a 10% surcharge.
My pointer to Costain (LON:COST) was premature since the profit warning came a day or two later. That noted, BoJo’s going to push through a massive spending programme which, surely, will not escape COST. Now 158p.
I have been asked to assist an immigration application. I was delighted to help as best I could. What most people do not realise is the vast amount being charged by the Home Office for considering an application – the bill runs into thousands of pounds. Needless to add the lawyers put their shovels in as well.
We here in central London have now entered that glorious phase when parking is a doddle since the residents often leave for the depths of the countryside or further afield. The result is parking nirvana.
Finally, we got the two eldest grandchildren yesterday to render Kipling’s IF. I expect they’ll remember the agenda.
The Russians should know when they are conquered and do as they are told.
Moreover, as every schoolboy knows, Auntie knows best. Our lower orders should just shut up pay up for the edification, amusement and entertainment of their metropolitan youngers and betters.
Oh wait a minute….
Dear Evil
I have two daughters, so I tried to rewrite IF for them:
IF Part 2
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can take your kids to school without designer gear
And hold your head high when other mothers leer;
If you can do your weekly shop
But leave your PJs home;
Or spend your yearly clothing allowance
fulfilling the dreams of others.
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can put your phone away
when relatives and friends are near
If you can remove your life from Facebook
and still have a life full of cheer
And protect your family from internet trolls
But let them explore without fear.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
If you can know all politicians tell lies
But still vote to put your country first
If you can sort fake news from fact
And convince others of the same;
And pay your way throughout your life
without relying on debt or the state.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If you can protect your family from drugs
But still take prescription with care
If you do not curse or swear
But still be a true super star
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Woman my Daughter.
Merry Christmas
I am retired and my pension is in my ISA. My state pension level means that I pay no tax and do not have to submit a tax return. Perhaps you would be good enough to enlighten me as to why I should be penalised 10% on my BBC licence fee simply because I have this setup.