Evil Diaries: The Institutionalisation Of Lying

Over this last weekend it emerged that the estimates for the cost overruns at HS2 were not the result of unlucky outturns but the deliberate deception of HMG on many occasions and over many years by those whose job it was to estimate future costs. No doubt it is practically impossible to begin prosecution of individuals. But it is a reflection of the general dishonesty of those who govern us.
As it happens when Dame Tessa Jowell informed the House of Commons that the cost of the 2012 Olympics would be £2.9bn the three managers who actually ran the project (one of whom is a relation of mine) put the figure at £10bn. The Jowell figure was entirely fabricated. It must have been Blair or some other poisonous misgovernment specialist who put her up to it. Worse, this disease of deception spawns repeats. Just look at HS2.
The point that has been so far missed on bankers’ bonuses is that having a high basic salary because the bonus is capped renders bankers’ performances less financially stable. So, far from this cap dreamt up by the EU stabilising banks, it renders them more likely to be unstable.
Quantum Blockchain Technology (QBT) is clearly catching investors’ imagination. Only four weeks ago or so one could buy at under 1p. This week they have touched 3.5p. I do not know why the price has risen but my very high opinion of the CEO, Francesco Gardin, remains in place.
The investment tutorials (the time spent on investment trusts is particularly appreciated) are continuing and I remain on 020 7835 0868 and cawkwell@btinternet.com. The eclairs are of course a central feature. So also are the bullshots should our session run past 6.00 p.m.. I would particularly welcome those who would like to be accompanied by a pal or pals or, perhaps, children. Obviously the fee is ameliorated to reflect a quantity discount. Generally I reckon that this is a terrific time to buy.
I would very much like to hear your opinion on REA. The preference dividend will either be confirmed or passed in about a months time. This will cause massive moves on the day either up or down.
Blair government lying? Surely not.