Evil Diaries: Angled to win

Those gentlemen at Hobart, Bob Catto and Jeremy Lyon, frequently extolled the prospects at Angle (AGL). However, they are both now dead and cannot cheer on AGL. This is a pity since yesterday’s RNS advising that America’s FDA have cleared AGL’s liquid biopsy approach to identifying and monitoring cancer, particularly if it is metastasising, is a huge breakthrough. The saving in costs is truly massive.
Just who the customers will prove to be and at what price remains to be seen but the revenues generated will surely swamp the current c. £400m capitalisation.
Guesses as to future share prices vary. But first stop seems to me to be well over 200p. And there is a section of the market that reckons 500p and more is just the beginning.
I understand that a lot of funds have unquoted investments as well as quoted holdings. The interesting thing is that the quoted holdings have had their share prices slaughtered – particularly in America – but the unquoted investments have been marked down by as little as 10% when clearly there is much more to come off.
My father arrived at Christchurch college Oxford in October 1946 and I was born on his first night in his rooms. It was cold – indeed I understand that the dregs in his coca mug froze. However, four years later he walked a hundred yards down the road to work for the only postwar employer he ever had, University College. Therefore it was not entirely surprising that his will, he died in 2019, disclosed a donation to Christchurch of £25,000.
My brother followed up to check that the money had been sent and expressed the hope that the money would not be spent on irrelevant legal fees. Fat chance. The spat with the departing dean is publicly said to have cost £2.5m whereas I understand that the true figure is between £5m and £6m. Were my father alive today he would be livid.
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