
News from Euroland – recession imminent

News from Euroland – recession imminent

17 mins. to read

Eurozone economies are slowing. Meanwhile, the May-Barnier deal Brexit looks dead in the water. What would happen if a Eurozone recession coincided with a no-deal Brexit? Victor Hill thinks it’s time to batten the hatches.

WTO, here we come…or maybe not…

WTO, here we come…or maybe not…

16 mins. to read

As the Withdrawal Agreement approaches its moment of truth, the UK is already plotting a course for new trading arrangements in the wider world. That’s if we are ever let out of our cage, writes Victor Hill.

Brexit: la bombe surprise

Brexit: la bombe surprise

17 mins. to read

When is a deal a betrayal and why is UK business frantically preparing for no-deal? Victor Hill thinks investors should focus on three key things.

Brexit: We are all Ultras now…

Brexit: We are all Ultras now…

13 mins. to read

The Brexit negotiations have entered a critical phase. Decisions made by both sides in the next three months will have long-term consequences. In a state of conflict, all sides become extreme. A modern English Civil War The classic schoolboy pseudo-history 1066 And All That asserted that, during the English Civil War, the Cavaliers were “Wrong…

The Customs Union or a Customs Union? Or just confusion?
Sergsta /

The Customs Union or a Customs Union? Or just confusion?

12 mins. to read

The British political class is riven with dissent over what type of Brexit is most desirable. This is because, after two years of Brexit argy bargy, few Brits really understand the issues – and least of all in the Labour Party. A discourteous proposition Last week Monsieur Barnier, the EU Chief Negotiator, threw a document…

Trump, Trade, Tariffs and Theresa
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Trump, Trade, Tariffs and Theresa

11 mins. to read

As a hard or crash Brexit edges closer, it now seems there is no binary option between the EU Customs Union and WTO rules. The Americans are not making things any easier for the UK. Why would they? The truth behind the Bombardier dispute revealed In 2007 the Canadian aerospace company Bombardier (TSE:BBD.A) announced plans…

£350 million a week? Who’s lying?

£350 million a week? Who’s lying?

12 mins. to read

Last weekend, in his 4,000 word essay on Brexit in the Daily Telegraph, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resurrected the claim, much touted during the Brexit referendum, that the UK pays Brussels £350 million every week. This prompted howls of protest from the mainstream media and even from the head of the Office of National Statistics.…

An amicable divorce?

An amicable divorce?

10 mins. to read

Ready. Aim. Fire! The notorious Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon (2007) was “triggered” by the United Kingdom last night when Prime Minister May signed off a historic letter to Donald Tusk, President of the European Council. This was delivered by hand by Sir Tim Barrow, our man in Brussels, at 12:20 BST this afternoon.…