Swen Lorenz

NYC and a tale of Luxury Condos

NYC and a tale of Luxury Condos

3 mins. to read

If you thought Switzerland or Lichtenstein was the best place to put money your money out of reach from ‘prying eyes’, high taxes and/or seizure perhaps even Panama, the Cayman Islands or in some other beautiful and peaceful small island, then think again. You couldn’t be further from the truth. With the financial crisis hitting…

Thought of the day re ENRC & KAZ

Thought of the day re ENRC & KAZ

1 mins. to read

From today’s FT – ENRC: minorities deserve more: The scandal-tainted Kazakh miner has lurched from one self-inflicted mishap to another in the past year; its share price is the thermometer – down 43%. Now, as the U.K. Serious Fraud Office begins an investigation into the London-listed company, its founding oligarchs have come up with a buyout…

An interesting take on the S&P 12 year breakout

An interesting take on the S&P 12 year breakout

1 mins. to read

From stockcharts While we tend to focus more on the short and intermediate term, we notice that there is a lot going on in the long term time frame. Most obvious is the breakout above the top of a long-term trading range. The breakout is decisive (more than three percent), so the technical assumption is…

ENRC & KAZ initial thoughts… UPDATE

ENRC & KAZ initial thoughts… UPDATE

3 mins. to read

Suleiman Kerimov UPDATE – 8:30AM MONDAY – So, the terms are confirmed this morning. The plot thickens however in that Kazakhmys are deemed to be a “Party to the Offer”. If the Scheme of Arrangement structure is still intended to be used then, re the comment “..for Panel purposes only Kazakhmys is treated as a…

A market without precedent…..

A market without precedent…..

5 mins. to read

The S&P 500 has now been up an incredible 56 of the last 88 trading sessions so far. That rate of success is not only extremely rare, it is, borderline, unprecedented.   Couple of quotes for you from market “pro’s” – “Fifty years of experience suggests streaks ultimately end. For now, stay very nimble.” – Art Cashin…

And they get cheaper…

And they get cheaper…

0 mins. to read


Zak Mir – Hot Online, Dixons and the Gold Conspiracy Theory

Zak Mir – Hot Online, Dixons and the Gold Conspiracy Theory

3 mins. to read

It is official, everything online is hot. Indeed, it is not only so hot that companies like Amazon (AMZN) and Google (GOOG) do not need to pay any tax, and even Ocado which had to be rescued in November is now worth over £1.5bn after the tie up with Morrison Supermarket (MRW). What a tie…

Gold Continues to be the thorn in John Paulson’s side

Gold Continues to be the thorn in John Paulson’s side

4 mins. to read

John Paulson We’ve been keeping a close eye on John Paulson’s recent fund management woes, brought about in large part through his holdings in gold and related stocks…. In our May edition of SBM we published an article (see page 18) about Paulson’s holdings based on his funds’ 13F filing with the U.S. SEC, relative…