Evil Knievil

The Evil Diaries: “A Jolly Good Citizen”

The Evil Diaries: “A Jolly Good Citizen”

2 mins. to read

Master Investor was packed on Saturday. I do not know whether this is down to the endeavours of the Burnbrae Media management or a reviving interest amongst private investors or whether it is a bit of both. At a guess it is the last identified. At the end of my own contribution I was asked…

The Evil Diaries: “Take your choice”

The Evil Diaries: “Take your choice”

1 mins. to read

I caught up with Andrew Monk of VSA Capital this morning. VSA are brokers to Madagascar Oil (MOIL) and Andrew is, to put it mildly, bullish. I started by pointing out that Madagascar is hardly the safest territory politically speaking. However, he countered that the World Bank is in there and the new president of…

The Evil Diaries: “Spoofing”

The Evil Diaries: “Spoofing”

0 mins. to read

This matter of Mr Sarao has unsurprisingly attracted a lot of comment in today’s press. What shines out is the inability of anybody to identify what has occurred and how it breaches any law remotely understood to anybody. One correspondent (I asked four expert traders yesterday what they thought had gone on) remarks that, seemingly,…

The Evil Diaries: “Good on Mr Sarao”

The Evil Diaries: “Good on Mr Sarao”

1 mins. to read

The secret of announcing losses is to describe them as “non-cash”, which means that they do not count. As if. However, should one knock off intangibles from Tesco (TSCO)‘s balance sheet, one is left with £3.3bn tnav. This contrasts with a market valuation of the order of £19bn. This is quite alright provided one reckons…

The Evil Diaries: “I’ll be back on it”

The Evil Diaries: “I’ll be back on it”

1 mins. to read

Ben Edelman, an associate professor at Harvard where he lectures on the MBA course, stayed with me and my wife over the weekend, preparatory to talking in public on Adware Shenanigans in 2015. It was really interesting – clearly there is massive fraud taking place. The chief villain in quoted UK is blinkx (BLNX). Seemingly,…

The Evil Diaries: “It’s great being bribed with your own money”

The Evil Diaries: “It’s great being bribed with your own money”

4 mins. to read

Poundland (PLND) faces legal problems at the hands of the Competition and Markets Authority in taking over 99p Stores since the authorities have invented the notion that this particular band of discount retailing should be treated as different from all others. I trust that further reflection amongst those who impose these pointless costs of enquiry…

Sex in Practice: 2 longs, 2 shorts and “a joyous romp”

Sex in Practice: 2 longs, 2 shorts and “a joyous romp”

3 mins. to read

Greatly to my surprise Petro Matad (MATD) has announced a farm-out of aspects of its Mongolian properties with BG Group (BG.). The money problem is also resolved. Petro Matad retains Block XX – apparently this could be pretty good as well. I bought 100,000 at 10p – just to keep my hand in. My friend…

The Evil Diaries: “Feast upon the cadavre”

The Evil Diaries: “Feast upon the cadavre”

4 mins. to read

I have very recently commented on the big unravel coming at Mitie (MTO) and was surprised that the stock recovered to 281p at COB last Friday. Anyway, Saturday’s DMail finance section leads on delays now being encountered at Mitie on paying up arrears of pay where Mitie had underpaid in the sense of below the…

Foot Soldiers in Practice

Foot Soldiers in Practice

4 mins. to read

As my contribution to this first edition of Master Investor, I have decided to clarify some points concerning regulation of AIM. This is partly because it is not understood and partly because it is complex and unusual. AIM is a division or franchise (as the LSE likes to promote it) of the London Stock Exchange.…