Evil Knievil: It is time to bet against Johnson

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Peterborough, where Labour beat Farage’s Brexit by 683 votes, experienced 10,000 postal votes. This is an extraordinarily high figure given that there is the improbable presumption that voters turned to the postal alternative in the normal course of registering their wishes.

However, it now transpires that many postal voters had their forms filled in by the likes of their local imam and indeed that some voters were offered 10 pounds apiece to vote Labour.

It would be best to rerun the election and soon.


Separately, Max Hastings wrote a long and detailed article for the Guardian of 24th June. Here is the link:

I was Boris Johnson’s boss: he is utterly unfit to be prime minister | Max Hastings

Clearly, appointing Johnson to be PM is a sick joke for which the Conservatives could never be forgiven. For Johnson is a nasty bit of work. This represents a change of opinion from that which I held last week. I suspect that many Conservatives will make the switch in the coming days. Therefore, it is time to bet against Johnson.


The problem for REA (LON:RE.) is that competition has lately come from soybean. This has caused a severe depression in the palm oil price. However, we have probably (no guarantees) seen the bottom. As already indicated, the safer approach is to buy the preference shares.

Evil Knievil: