Evil Knievil: I need some help here

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Every now and then we get lucky albeit on a wholly undeserved basis. I refer of course to the survival of Jeremy Corbyn who is undoubtedly one of the most stupid men I have ever listened to. With his leadership of the Labour Party for the next general election it has no chance whatsoever of winning. Subtler minds than mine would point out that it is not wise to stress this point in public in case the Labour Party sobers up and changes its front man. No chance. For the Labour Party has an unassailable electoral base of children who want Corbyn.

What is interesting is a bet on Corbyn’s eventual successor. I need some help here.


My father died last February and left his estate in the hands of Blake Morgan, a national firm of solicitors with a branch in Oxford. They are proving to be outstandingly slow and incompetent. For instance, I my brother and my sister have raised a point and instead of giving an answer the solicitor advises that she has drafted a letter to the partner who is in charge of her. We, the executors, do not get to see the letter or have explained to us why it is in draft. I cannot wait to see the time analysis of the bill which on an interim basis is up past £14,000. I should add that my father, despite his many faults, was utterly meticulous in maintaining his papers. It is quite impossible for even the most blockheaded of rookie solicitors to get this wrong.

There are some who think that a solicitor, being a “professional”, cannot possibly get things wrong. I, who wiped the floor of the High Court with Blake Morgan or Blake Lapthorne as it then was, know better.


I have asked the management of Manx Financial (LON:MFX)to pay a dividend. There is plenty of room to do so. I bought more at 9.25p last Friday. The 6/19 results are due out ere long.

Evil Knievil: