Evil Diaries: Deluded No More

Shattered illusion: I was brought up on Pat Reid’s Colditz in the late fifties but have in recent days tuned into Ben McIntyre’s Colditz on BBC Radio 4’s Book Of The Week. It was rather disappointing to learn that Douglas Bader was in fact such an unutterable boor when all I had to go on was the resolute character portrayed by Kenneth More in Reach For The Sky.


Today’s Daily Mail advises that HMG is holding 40,000 completely unemployed asylum seekers at a cost of £6m a day. This is a truly staggering sum. Perhaps it is time for Archbishop Welby to apologise for his openly expressed view that Priti Patel’s Rwanda plan was “ungodly”. Such a view supposes that there must be a godly solution. Therefore the Archbishop has a duty to tell us what this is and what are the costs. He is trained in financial analysis.


BooHoo (BOO) is clearly a pretty unpleasant employer if today’s Times is to be believed. I am not closing my short.


Finally, the chairman’s Webis (WEB) is continuing to sort out its portfolio of North American gambling opportunities. But it is still cash out rather than the other way round. When will this stop?

Evil Knievil: