Evil Diaries: A Period Of Quiet Is Called For

Gary Lineker has expressed a view on HMG’s plans to cope with asylum seekers. He says these plans are “beyond awful” – although he does not disclose what they should be. But he makes a major error in comparing HMG’s conduct with Hitler’s mad racial theories as put into operation in Germany and eventually beyond in the nineteen thirties. Here entirely innocent victims who lived in and were citizens of the relevant territories were murdered on an industrial scale. No comparison with HMG’s current plans is even remotely possible.

However, this is not a blunder by a schoolboy but an offering from a commentator endorsed by the BBC, a source of authority to many ears in Britain. Naturally, those who insist that the facts of the Holocaust must be kept permanently in the minds of all (and I think they should be) are alarmed by the deterioration of cogent thought. It develops a relatively small step towards Holocaust denial.

Lineker seems not to understand this and merely asserts that he will try to keep speaking for those who have “no voice”. Prime Minister Attlee, a notoriously taciturn fellow, observed seventy-five years ago that a period of quiet on the part of a pair of gasbags then in his party was what was required. Lineker should immediately take that attitude into account.


DARKtrace announced its results yesterday. But until sufficient time has elapsed to see that Quintessential Capital’s report (and that of Matt Earl) is wrong (very unlikely) one should be highly sceptical. Later yesterday it emerged that millions of pounds of shares bought in by DARK were in fact sold by senior managers of DARK. Holders of DARK had better reflect upon that. After all, DARK had tried to foster the notion that the shares are cheap. Actually, they will just go cheaper.

Evil Knievil: