
House of (Credit) Cards

I’ve said before that the only reason we’ve appeared not to have a recession in London and the South is…

Fund Manager in Focus – Paul Singer

As featured in this month’s Master Investor Magazine. “We like to create value rather than merely identify it…if we just…

The Evil Diaries: World Acceptance, Afren, Daniel Stewart and Proxama

I know there are difficulties in shorting World Acceptance (WRLD on Nasdaq) here in London but yet another executive director…

Friday’s Master Investor Market Report

- The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,775.08, a decrease of 21.37 points. - The FTSE 250 fell by…

Place Your Bets

I used to play online poker quite a lot. Actually there are a lot of similarities between trading/investing and poker.…

You snooze… you lose: DJIA is not coming down!

So here we are, after some six months of lethargic action which all and sundry translated into the beginning of…

Mario Draghi Explains The Greek Bailout

“It is excellent to have a giants strength, but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant...” Somewhere in…

“An Introduction to Tech Angel Investing”

An Interview with Paul Dowling, CEO & Founder of Dreamstake On Monday July 20th at 6.30pm, Master Investor will be…

The Fine Wine Market – Evidence of Stability and Reasons for Growth

As featured in this month’s Master Investor Magazine. In my last article for this publication in February I outlined the…

Carnival: Cruising to a Nice Return

How will you spend your holidays, this summer? We all need them and we are prepared to pay good money…