The Evil Diaries: World Acceptance, Afren, Daniel Stewart and Proxama

I know there are difficulties in shorting World Acceptance (WRLD on Nasdaq) here in London but yet another executive director has resigned which suggests that serious prosecution might be close. If so the share price could easily halve and more. Now $58.

Afren (AFR) has an EGM on Friday. I am unclear as to what shape the outcome will take. But whatever it is Afren is finished. We can then await the lolly.

Daniel Stewart (DAN) continues to gather adverse publicity on an astonishing scale. Since I reckon the Rob Terry malevolent influence phase is in general coming to an end it must be correct to short DAN down to 1p or less. Now 1.75p.

ApplePay has stridden into London and scared off some Proxama (PROX) holders. Hargreave Hale as shareholder has not sold any – it is just that some of their private clients, trading on their own account, have sold 16m. This is quite a lot in a thin market. That means that 1.65p might be very cheap.

Poetry corner:

My dear son Gus was out one day
And was feeling very merry
When he was asked what’s the way
To The Brompton Cemetery

‘The fastest way is this!’ Laughed Gus
And pushed the chap beneath a bus
Whatever’s said about my son
He does enjoy his bit of fun

And here is A.P.Herbert as to how he liked his women:

Not huffy or stuffy, nor tiny or tall, but fluffy, just fluffy, with no brains at all.

Evil Knievil: