Economics & Markets

The FED loses momentum again with ‘dusty’ jobs report

After a quiet August, we are back to business as usual, which is 90% about following central banks and 10%…

The End of Austerity?

“Monetary policy has done as much as it really can and it needs to be complemented by fiscal policy and…

Can factor investing deliver alpha?

One recent addiction to the already huge portfolio of investment possibilities is factor investing, which aims at revolutionising the way…

Baffled in Jackson Hole

Every year in late summer the secretive priestly caste that is the world’s central bankers meets in conclave at the…

Mellon on the Markets: “Mark Carney should be fired – at once”

This month, I am composing my column on the train from Edinburgh to London, having just made my thirtieth visit…

What the Olympic Medals Table Tells Investors

It is five days now since the world’s Olympians filed out of the stadium in Rio heading home in a…

The Storm Clouds Are Gathering

If you have any exposure to the major (or indeed minor) European bourses, prepare for turbulence. 2016 (with an epilogue…

Sherlock Homes & the Mystery of Rising Debt & Falling Rates

A dialogue between the Master and his trusty sidekick, Dr Watson, at 221B Baker Street, unpacks the most intriguing paradox…

Buying Japan Against the Crowd

So here we are again at a junction where policymakers have only two choices: one leads to a merry-go-round that…

Could the UK’s FinTech Talent make it the Next Silicon Valley?

By Ed Rose The extension of Entrepreneurs’ Relief and introduction of Investors’ Relief announced in the Budget are clearly designed…