Economics & Markets

The pervasive influence of psychology in the markets

Investors ignore the human dimension to financial markets at their peril, writes fund manager Tim Price.

Unicorns Rampant – Uber, Lyft, DiDi & Turo

Unicorns don’t exist – do they? So how come so many bright people want to buy their shares? Victor Hill…

Global Markets: Is the robot in control?

There are multiple red lights flashing on the global investment flight deck console. But the flight controls aren’t working anymore.…

29 March 2019: The Day Brexit didn’t happen

So we are still not OUT – though we might be out soon. Strangely, the markets don’t seem concerned. Could absentee…

Cyborgs: You too will be superhuman…

We thought it would be some way off in the future, but some early basic cyborgs have already arrived –…

The fall of the “bond king”

The retirement of Bill Gross, "the bond king", has been greeted by some uncomfortable personal criticism, writes fund manager Tim…

Enter the Dragon: How China is conquering Europe

Is Huawei a threat to our security? The case against it is compelling. But that’s not the half of it.…

Mellon on the Markets: Master Investor Show

Inside the mind of the Master Investor: British billionaire investor Jim Mellon reveals his latest thoughts on the markets.

Spring Statement 2019: Good news drowned out by Brexit hullaballoo

On Wednesday, the Chancellor reviewed the state of the British economy at a time of existential political uncertainty. It was…

How do you deal with volatility? SPONSORED CONTENT

One of the best ways to subdue any palpitations if the markets move suddenly is to get your house in…