Economics & Markets

Meet the New American Socialists

We Brits think of America as the Right Nation – an inherently pro-capitalist society. Yet a new generation of socialist politicians…

The worrying thing about China…

China’s rise has been relentless over the last four decades. But where is China really heading? Victor Hill investigates some…

Two major fault lines for 2019

Victor Hill examines how America’s evolving (a polite word for deteriorating) relationship with Europe may accelerate the risks of a…

It’s never too late to cut down: An investor’s guide to New Year’s Resolutions

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Dry January? Veganuary perchance? Or what about a zero-plastic year? Victor Hill considers…

2019: Mamma Mia! The year ahead in 10 songs

May you live in interesting times (as the Chinese curse goes)! Brexit will be just one worry next year amongst…

Mellon on the Markets: Thoughts for 2019

Inside the mind of the Master Investor: UK billionaire investor Jim Mellon reveals his trading and investing strategy for 2019.

Where the Hell are we now?

May’s deal, no-deal, Norway or Bremain? The vote on the Withdrawal Agreement did not take place on Tuesday. Instead, there…

The Italian “Doom Loop” is a noose around Europe’s neck

The “doom loop” is the term used by the World Bank to describe the co-dependence between highly indebted governments and…

Mellon on the Markets: FAANGs for the memories

Inside the mind of the Master Investor: Billionaire investor Jim Mellon updates his readers on all his latest investing insights.

The “Bolsonaro effect” and the outlook for Brazilian equities

Now that, some of, the political dust has settled, what´s in store for the Brazilian economy and the outlook for…