Spreadbet Magazine clarification statement

Whilst we get ever closer to the unmasking of the despicable piece of human excrement that is “Dave Robertson / Nick Vaughan / Warren Needell / Ritchie Brookshield / Miss Day Trader” etc (the rap sheet is enormous), it has come to our knowledge that some posters on various forums think we actually endorse certain “system providers”. 

Let us be blunt and make our stance extremely crystal clear – we do NOT endorse any system providers. We believe that those who sell systems are almost universally charlatans and have said so in our magazine articles (see here on page 19 -http://issuu.com/spreadbetmagazine/docs/spreadbet_mag_v18_generic). If they could trade they would, they would NOT sell systems.

To be extremely clear on the only venture linked with management of Spreadbet Magazine – Titan Inv Partners, this does NOT sell a system. It is a professional fund management operation that innovatively uses a spread betting account. More importantly, we trade our OWN capital. Other investors can choose to join us or not and this is why we went down the route of FCA authorisation. The FCA only authorises fit and proper individuals capable of carrying out their designated tasks. 

The reason these “people” (we use that term sparingly) sell systems and operate in the shadows with the less amoeba type ones having massive disclaimers is because they do not want the burden of regulation.

For the more sensible readers amongst us and not the deranged loons (take your readership elsewhere!) it is very plain to see what we have done with this magazine – tried to educate, bring best ideas and conviction plays to our readers attention instead of the usual banal drivel that says nothing like many other publications, got behind important stories and put together a good line up of proper and respected contributors. ALL FOR FREE! Not once have we asked any reader for a single cent. If you want to keep the magazine then continue the support.

For good order purposes, our “advice” is thus – DO NOT PAY A PENNY, CENT, EURO WHATEVER TOWARDS ANY SYSTEM PROVIDER. Find a good money manager if you cannot trade yourself and stick with them.

Richard & Zak 

Swen Lorenz: