Sarah Lowther looks ahead to 2022

I’m being asked about the trading themes that will dominate 2022.
I hate that question, and hate myself in equal measure knowing I’ve asked that question so many times on so many platforms to so many executives and analysts.
Innovation doesn’t work on January to December cycles particularly with Covid altering the concept of the working week immeasurably.
Now not later
What I do know is that the trading themes being mooted as next year’s big trends – are already investment themes.
Anything metaverse-related, biometric eyeballing compliant; we know from this platform that older age, longevity-related tonics and initiatives are underway and garnering much investment already, and of course the ongoing holy grails to cure cancer, malaria and stupefy and stun the latest variant of coronavirus.
Seven years ago, I was impressed with the story Michael Laurier told me about compostable plastics that degraded with environmental dignity. It appealed directly to me as I recycle anything I can’t eat, or that doesn’t have a purpose or can assist another somewhere along the sustainability chain. I thought that Michael and his company Symphony Environmental (AIM:SYM) was ahead of its time and the larger investor base wouldn’t get it. Does that make me a snob? Probably.
This month I spoke to him again and the science has become cleverer and the company products and solutions have moved in tandem with learnings. I remain impressed.
Sin Binned
I’m careful what I throw away and I also pay attention to any throw away comments made by chief executives and board members, although these are rare occurrences. Most board members are savvy and well drilled about what they can or can’t say or face the penalty of having to create a costly, swift post-comment RNS after revealing market sensitive information.
And for anyone interested in some of the fees that the London Stock Exchange charges its members, here’s the guide.
In November I had great fun with Panther Metals’ CEO Darren Hazelwood and prospector Liane Boyer who is Chief Executive of Broken Hill Resources. These two work well as a comms duo; they work well in terms of potential geological discoveries and the relish showing on both their faces when they mentioned the field samples from the Awkward palladium-platinum-copper-nickel conduit project was revealing. I pressed. They deflected. No throwaway comments, but the facial expressions to me were worth their weight in the elements they’re exploring for.
I listen. I look, but not in the stalkerish, voyeuristic way. At least I hope not. The online investor forums replacing the physical events have allowed some of us with decent laptop screens to zoom in on the faces of those presenting their investment case looking for the tell-tale unconscious giveaways.
What the Public wants
I trade a lot, but not in the way those reading this do. I am a Saturday girl at Farmers Markets helping out a young business managed by chefs and electricians. As I ‘woman the stall’ I watch. I can see that people want to consume delicious food that makes them happy, they want to taste and discuss their wines and beers and not just glug to numb the pain of living; they want to look good and dress up and fill their cheeks with fillers as much as the food that fills their bellies. They talk about climate change and they want alternative schooling and working practices. They crave company and they are Covid fatigued.
So, in terms of trading themes for 2022, go out on market day, support local and listen to the conversations. Therein lies the key to trading themes and what the public really wants, what matters to them and what they are buying into.
This is a refreshingly honest and interesting article. Such a contrast to the pretentious, politically biased and tiresome pro-brexit analyses of some your other, more senior, commentators.