quick trade snippets

Just a brief update as the trading is keeping us busy today (gotta pay the bills!), but for those following us we have been taking partial profits on GBPEUR, USDYen and will be selling our Apple position in part between $473- 477 in the main session today.

Although we have a bear stance on the physical gold price, we note that the Gold Bugs index is making a classic basing formation – see below – and so we will spend the next few days sifting for potential outperformers amongst the gold miners – Novagold in the US and Aureus Mining in the UK look preliminarily to be of interest to us…

GoldBugs Index Weekly chart

As ever, if you want to be one of the first to participate in our forthcoming Titan funds that we expect to launch shortly, and that are based upon our trade ideas we post here (which has demonstrated a 90%+ success ratio over the last 12 months) then email TITAN to editor@spreadbetmagazine.com to register your interest.

Swen Lorenz: