Just how did your fund manager perform over the last year?

 We are very pleased to be approaching the key 1 year performance mark here at Titan Investment Partners and will be producing a special report on our unique tax free fund management offering in the next edition of Spreadbet Magazine. Make sure you are a subscriber to receive your copy.

Below is a table of the returns generated in our three main funds this year (the Small Cap one about to have a change of mandate), together with the chart of our flagship Macro fund since becoming authorised by the FCA almost a year ago.

What is important to stress is that the returns in these 3 funds have been achieved with a little over just 2 times leverage and, perhaps more importantly, without once being on a margin call (while being margined at twice standard rates too). If we had purely paced benchmark then our returns should be just under 40%. The so called “alpha” generated is circa 120%. Ask yourself how did your fund manager do in contrast and also, were their returns totally tax free*?

In contrast, below is our hedge fund peer group returns including

And here is the chart of our Global Macro fund since

Ditto, when you receive an offer for a “hot stock tip” – ask the writer for their real returns and how much they personally have invested in their ideas. At Titan we don’t ask you to subscribe for tips each month for £x, we simply invite you to invest alongside us with our OWN capital. The returns speak for themselves with no fluff about offer to bid measurement – your live account reflects exactly how we are doing.

If you’d like to learn more about how we are shaking up the fund management industry and delivering exceptional returns, click the image below or email us at info@titanip.co.uk asking for more

All Titan Funds operate within a spread betting account which means gains or losses are currently free of tax. However, legislation can change in the future. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and you should always take independent advice in relation to 

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