The Evil Diaries: “when the squaddies choose the generals”

About forty years ago, my late father-in-law, himself a by then retired successful soldier and former War Office worker, strongly pointed out to me that the moment the squaddies choose the generals the army is enfeebled. And one wonders whether Ed Miliband was chosen just because Len McCluskey and other intellectuals of the trade union movement said so. Further, David Miliband might have been a wiser choice – and he was not adopted since Len and Company said no.

Anyway, I always thought that Labour never offered anything new or credible and the outright refusal to apologise for the appalling mess generated by Gordon Brown and his sidekick Balls was at one level ill-mannered and at another deceitful. Mercifully, the electorate saw through all this.


The sudden rise in the likes of Mitie (MTO) and Foxtons (FOXT) this morning seems completely barmy to me. They merely offered another opportunity for short sales. Their troubles arise through their fundamental economic position and nothing to do with an improved political outlook.


Finally, I was told this morning that Concha (CHA) is a massive ramp developed and maintained by a fellow who has form as long as your arm. The idea is to develop some private company concerned with offering fantasy football. And, that done, to reverse it into Concha. But just why Concha should be valued at £75m right now is completely unexplained. So Concha remains a clear short.

Evil Knievil: