The Evil Diaries: “This is cheap”

I dare say that most have had enough on the General Election to be satiated for some years to come. So should I add a few words extra I trust I might be forgiven. However, it is astonishing that the LibDems resent “liberalism” being rejected. I might sympathise if I were even remotely acquainted with what this liberalism is. No, I was delighted at their departure since I thought that the LibDems were fools right from Day One of the coalition. I was not alone.

Elsewhere, I was told a week before the Election itself that the publicly recruited pollsters had got it all wrong since they, having noted the pathetic Tory voting intentions in Scotland, made the error of adjusting downwards over the UK the Tory vote expectation. My regret is that, thus informed, I did not bank a £100,000+ profit.


I am amazed that Daniel Stewart (DAN), having announced that it must raise perhaps £1m, stands above 1p. Surely, the purpose of a profit-making organisation is to make a profit. There is no sign of that at Daniel Stewart.

I accept that a “pal” of Rob Terry might find the necessary. But, even so, at what price?


Afren (AFR) have today announced another failure to pay interest on time – c. $12.8m. It’s not a colossal sum in the scheme of things. But it cannot be argued that this company is out of trouble. So the target price remains below 1p.


Beximco Pharma (BXP) today announced annual results to 31st December 2014. The statement is fairly upbeat. It begins “Despite prolonged political unrest causing serious disruption to our business activites, especially during the first quarter of 2014….”. But the fact remains that EPS came to 4.15p with every expectation that this figure will be bettered in 2015. Provided one is prepared to live with the political uncertainty (just how is it to be assessed at this distance?) Beximco is solvent and TNAV is about 45p. Payday for the dividend of c. 0.8p is in mid July. This is cheap.

Evil Knievil: