For months now I have assumed that Plus500 (PLUS) is a fraud. Nothing adds up. Anecdotal evidence of wholly improper conduct piles up. But the proof of a sustained deception has been hard to come by.
And at last there is something really concrete. Overnight a source has again contacted me with the results of his enquiry into Dror Sordo, the original CEO of Plus500. In its way, it is fairly amusing.
Dror means Freedom in Hebrew and Sordo means Deaf in Spanish – ‘sordo’ is of course related to ‘sourd’ the French for deaf.
Israel (for Dror’s full name is Dror Israel Sordo) means ‘may God prevail’.
Thus the CEO, as was, means Freedom May God Prevail Deaf. Deaf to complaint? Freedom to do what he likes? Will God stand for fraud?
Dror has disappeared. His credentials or background prior to working for Plus does not so far check out.
Who checked out Dror prior to the listing in July 2013?
More follows.